10 Health Benefits of Water Fasting

“Fasting is the greatest remedy, the physician within.”Philippus Paracelsus, M.D. (1493-1541; Swiss physician and alchemist. . .considered one of the three Fathers of Western Medicine)

Fasting is an ancient remedy for Physical and Spiritual Healing. The benefits of water fasting have been underlined through history from the VIP’s of physical and spiritual development like Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato, Moses, Jesus, Mohamed, Gandhi etch… All of them used water fasting to support their body in healing illnesses and for their spiritual growth.

mmm… Interesting… What really happens in the body while water fasting?

Our body, usually, uses as primary source of energy a sugar called glucose, most of it coming from the food we eat. The glucose in excess is then stored  in the liver and transformed in a reserve of glycogen. When we fast, the same healing process that happens during our sleep take place. The glycogen is used to recover damaged tissues and, when finished, the body shifts over to ketosis, using fats as main source of energy.  Usually the ketosis process starts after the first 3 days and, after 7 days the body, in order to preserve his protein, the body starts turning  nonessential cellular masses such as fibroid tumors and degenerative tissues, bacteria, viruses, or any other compounds in the body into energy.

…Wow!!!  Our Body is a really smart buddy!!!

…So… I’m dying to know what are the main benefits of water fasting!

OK….OK… calm down…. The benefits of water fasting are countless! Today, with our technologies, we are actually able to measure what are the physical benefits of water fasting. I choose to list the 10 benefits, physical, emotional and spiritual that are more relevant to me and, if You’d like to know more, at the end of the page, You’ll find useful links from the online community.

1. Detoxification

“Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and skin.” During water fasting all the toxins in our body are expelled, creating inside the body an ideal environment for growth. This is responsible for a healthier skin, teeth and gums.

2. Stronger Immune System

During the water fasting, the energy is diverted away from the digestive system to the centres that deal with our metabolism and our immune system. Restoring their natural function.

3. Feeling of rejuvenation and extended life expectancy

All the damaged tissues and major illnesses are repaired, living the body in the optimal state for growth.

4. Healthier Cardiovascular System

The blood pressure is stabilised and the cholesterol level is decreased.

5. Improved skeletal and muscular systems

Fasting induces significant anti-inflammatory actions on the skeletal and muscular system. Healing from almost all pains, aches, arthritis in muscles and joints.

6. Weight Loss

mmmmm………… I’m wondering why!!! Also it has been proven to be one of the best remedy for obesity. The substances that turn on the genes of obesity are stored in body’s fat. Eliminating excess fats, helps the body get rid of these particles.

7. Increased Will Power and Self Control

For most people not eating for 10h is a big challenge. Fasting improve self control and will power, putting the faster in a place of control over the body reactions and the mind.

8. More Energy

The most expensive activity of the body, in terms of energy expenditure is the digestive process. During the water fasting the same energy is directed towards other activities leaving the body with more energy.

9. Increased Body Sensitivity

During the water fasting all the sensations of the body are increased, creating a deeper sense of awareness of the wonderful creation that is our body.

10. Increased Spiritual Connection

As the faster gets rid of the physical toxins also the spiritual toxins and the emotional wounds flush out. Emotional wounds are stored in the energetic system of the body. Cleansing it trough fasting creates a new space for emotional healing and for positive emotions to come in. It also quiets the mind, creating the emotional and mental environment for a deep spiritual connection.

I want to Thank all the people that shared these valuable informations in their blogs, websites and articles. If You want to know more visit:  http://www.gaianstudies.org/articles4.htm       http://drbenkim.com/fasting.html                     http://www.allaboutfasting.com/benefits-of-fasting.html

The reason why I decided to post the blog about water fasting is because I started a “21 days water fasting challenge” yesterday foundraising for http://www.gracechildrensvillage.org/ A community project based in Uganda. Please support me with Your kind donation http://www.justgiving.com/Simone-Vincenzi.

Your Turn!!

I’d love to hear from You what do You know and think about Fasting.

  • Have You ever thought about doing it?
  • If Yes, what brought you to the topic?
  • What is Your big WHY?
  • What obstacles could You find on the way?

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May You always be Happy.

Simone Vincenzi                                                                     ~Your Power to Shine~