7 steps for Self Management

Ciao a tutti!!

I wish I’m finding you Well, Happy, Healthy and Abundant!!

(The following post has a lot of information and I decided to write in bold the key information )

Tonight’s post is about Self Management, a topic very broad that includes meaningful subgroups.

I’ll share with you what does it mean for me,  what I discovered about myself this afternoon, and a tool I used this afternoon to organise messy paperwork of 4 months of training, writing and reading.

Self Management: the art of focusing body and mind towards a specific task, controlling the useless information and achieving the aim in a pre-established time frame. i.e. The Art of Self Control.

The term Self Management is a big jigsaw, formed by 3 main pieces:

  1. Time Management: the ability to achieve in a determined time frame
  2. Mind Management: the ability to make friendship with the chatterbox
  3. Body Management: the ability to integrate sabotaging feelings

All the 3 main pieces are fundamental to complete the jigsaw of Self Management.

I’ll go in more details and I’ll share with you, in the next posts, the tools that has been more effective for me.

This afternoon, after a shining Kundalini Yoga class, and looking at the pile of sheets all over my room, I decide that was time to leave the visionary side of me for a while, stepping into the managerial one. With the aim of organising all the paper work and create an organised system that could support me in the future.

As soon as I sit down, surrounded by what seemed at the beginning a “Mission Impossible”, strong feelings of discomfort started arising in my chest, the same feelings and thoughts that in the past prevented me to manage my paperwork effectively. Maybe You have heard inside yourself that voice too: “I’ll do it tomorrow, for the moment I just want to relax…” “I can wait just 10 min more…” And then those 10 min, turned into tomorrow, days, weeks and months. Me and that voice are working really well together!!

This time was different, I decided take I was going to do it, no matter what.

  1. The first thing to do was to clear or at least lower the volume of the emotions and the beliefs that were leading me to a different direction.
  2. I worked on the feelings using EFT* for 30 min, and through muscle testing* I identified that I had, and probably still have the strong sabotaging belief that “I am a very disorganised person”.  Looking at my surroundings I wasn’t a surprise at all!!
  3. As soon as the feeling lowered the intensity, I installed the belief that I am an highly organised person, approaching the afternoon to come with a sense of joy, passion and ease, like it was the funniest task ever!
  4. I asked myself: “Which is the most effective and creative way in which I can store and organise all the paperwork?” 
  5. The answer that came to me was to divide all the sheets by category, without analysing them. Just separating them topic to topic.
  6. After it has been the time to identify which had to be reviewed.
  7. And finally store them in the appropriate folder.

So I sat on the floor, surround by the headers written in little sheets. I started placing every paper under the appropriate category, looking at which had to be reviewed and store them in their folder!

In 3 hours, all that seemed at the beginning a “Mission Impossible”, has been accomplished, and I’m so proud to my creative side for the tools that enabled me, with fun, to achieve my goal of the day!

I call this the 7  Self Management step model.

  1. Acknowledge the feeling.
  2. Recognise the correspondent limiting beliefs/ fears.
  3. Lower the Volume.
  4. Think specifically about what you want and ask the right question.
  5. Take inspiration. 
  6.  Use the right tool.  
  7. Celebrate!

I’ll post also the 7 step Overwhelm free tool (organise arrear paperwork).

I hope this will be useful for you has it has been for me!

Much Love to You all!!

May your life be always happy!!