Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.3

“If you don’t know what is your next step, take a moment, see what scares you the most and take a step towards that direction.”     Simone Vincenzi                                                      

Hi, Here we are again!! Thank You for keep following!

This is post is entitled Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.3 and it is the last part of a series of 3 posts about Vision, Purpose and Mission.

If you missed the previous posts I invite you to start from the beginning.

>>>>CLICK HERE for Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.1

>>>>CLICK HERE for Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.2

We left ourself last time with the question:

What fear is preventing You for taking the next step?

Fear of changeFear of success?Fear of failureFear of uncertainty?

Fear exists in no other place than in your mind. Your mind has been conditioned from the early stages to look for dangers in order to protect you in your everyday life. Every changes, everything that our mind doesn’t perceive as familiar (i.e. safe) brings a certain level of uncertainty. And uncertainty brings a lack of certainty. The certainties of what you have now, of your status quo, of your self-image, of how you perceive yourself.

A change on your outside world is a change in your inside world. As soon as you embrace the fact that in order to live your purpose, in order to be happy, in order to live the life you want you need to change.

As soon as you live your changes with flexibility, an open mind and trusting the universe that what is going to come into your life is for the good of you and of humanity as a whole.

As soon you accept that change and flow is part of your everyday reality, you stop resist the flow, you stop going against the change but you align with the change, you dance with the flow.

The most important shift that must happen into your mindset is to see change as an opportunity to be lived with curiosity, not as a scaring event to be lived with resistance.

What does make you think that what is going to happen is going to be worst that what you have now in the current situation?

Who is telling you that the next step is going to be a step backwards instead of a step forward?

Let me tell you… there is no such a thing as a step backwards. You are constantly growing, constantly moving forward. Day by day. Hour by hour. Minute by minute. Moment by moment.


Stand up for what you value! Stand up for your life. Stand up for what you want and what you deserve.

Get up from the couch of your comfort zone.

Build momentum and keep moving.

Don’t you know the direction yet?

I’ll give you a tip. Find what scares you the most and move towards that direction. Let me repeat it. Find what scares you the most and move, small steps, towards that direction. Build momentum with little action steps and celebrate all your successes along the way. Build momentum so you have the energy to break through that fear when it will happen.

I am sure you can do it. The fact that you are reading this article now, is telling me you are committed to your success and to find alignment with who you really are.

I wish You a Purposeful and Successful Life!

For any question or support contact me now.

I am here to support and help you growing along your journey.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

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May You always live Your Purpose!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

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