You are affected by your patterns pt. 2 The Pattern Loop

thinking patterns“Your Ego, what you and other people perceive about yourself, is a series thinking patterns… Every pattern you think is the trigger of another thinking pattern and so on.” Simone Vincenzi

Ciao Belli!!! This is the follow up of You are affected by Your Patterns, a successful post I wrote a couple of weeks ago. If haven’t read it yet I invite you to read it before moving on! Enjoy your readings and please like and share it with the world!!!! ahaha!!

Moving on…

I am sure you can agree with me you have your own pattern for every given situation isn’t it?

NO??? Think about your life. How many times you can say: “It always happen to me??” Or how many times you do the same things over and over again?

And this is perfectly normal, this is how we function. Our breath is regulated by a pattern, our heartbeat, each single movement we do or word we speak. Even every single thing we feel is regulated by a pattern.

Also, as you can clearly see, every pattern, automatically, is the beginning of the following pattern. Creating a cycle.

I call this cycle: Pattern Loop.

What do I mean about Pattern Loop?

A Pattern Loop is a cycle of patterns where each pattern is the trigger of the following pattern.

Let me repeat it again for you:

A pattern loop is a cycle of patterns where each pattern is the trigger of the following pattern.

Let me give you an example.

Gigi started his day waking up. 1st pattern, that triggered the “going to toilet” 2nd pattern, who triggered the “washing up” pattern and so on…

But now I want you to imagine ..

If a new pattern is introduced in that routine what will then happen?

Let me give you an example. Let’s say the new pattern of not waking up and stay in bad clicks in. What pattern in your opinion will be triggered next? Gigi, obviously, will not follow the series of patterns it was used to follow.

Does it make sense?


How is Gigi’s day linked with how our mind works?

Our mind works in the same way. We have a series of thoughts that, repeated over and over again, become patterns. Those patterns are, what NLP calls, our Beliefs. The power of those patterns, or beliefs is that they affect the pattern feelings.

What does it mean? You know, you are thinking every moment, even if you are not aware of it. Your blood pressure, your heartbeat, your digestion is all controlled by thoughts. The only matter is that you are not aware of it. So think about it closely. If a thought has the capability to control what makes us alive on this planet…. What can the impact of a thought be in our life?

On the next post we are going to dig down into the rabbit hole of our patterns and since then…

Enjoy Your Life!!!

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

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May You create your own patterns!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

You are affected by Your Patterns.

thinking patterns“The ultimate truth, for me,  is that the World as we perceive it is a series of energetic patterns that keep unfolding into the reality of the present”

-Simone Vincenzi

Hi folks!! It has been a while since last time isn’t it? I wish I am finding you well and happy and life is unfolding in the most playful way for you.

Today’s post is about patterns? Patterns seems to be everywhere, surrounding us and… within us. What are what we call patterns? What are our thinking patterns and haw can we brake the cycle of our emotional patterns?

I was asking myself all these question as this is a topic that sparkled into my heart since ever I heard about it…

I wish you will enjoy the patterns of this post as I enjoyed writing about it.


From different definitions we can assume that a general definition of pattern could be : “A repeating model of structures”, could these structures manifest in our inner reality, such as behavioural pattern, or externally, such as artistic patterns.

I assume we all can agree that, in some way or another our life, internally and externally, is ruled by patterns, behaviours or models that we follow on a daily basis to go through our journey.

Let me give you an example. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? What is the second and the third and so on… I believe you have a structure or a daily routine you follow.

Let’s Imagine the life of Mr. Gigi. He is a young guy working as a waiter in an Italian restaurant in Barbican. Now let’s have a close look about what he does in the morning.

Are you ready? Well first of all is better to say hello to Gigi and to ask his permission to observe him for the next 5 min. Yeah, we are not going too close…. We won’t go into red hot zones of the day or moment of extreme privacy…

Yeah, is a cool guy and he doesn’t mind! Also he got paid for this… so…

Gigi wakes up at 7 am every morning, as soon as he gets up, after a stretch, he walk slowly to the toilet to wash himself up and reconnect with the outside world. After, he moves to the luminous kitchen, where he drink a big glass of water before starting his daily meditation. He moves back to his room, where we are going to live him in silence for the next 30 min.

E voilá! 30 min after he is ready for other 30 min of yoga and stretching, before going to have a juicy breakfast with a big piece of fresh fruit and some almond milk.

After breakfast is now time for a quick shower and dressing up, ready for the morning shift.

And this is where we are going to leave Gigi wishing him a fantastic and happy day.

What did you see there? What was Gigi doing? Why, every morning does he do the same things?

Can you see any pattern in his behaviour?

Well, as you might have noticed we have described the pattern of a typical morning of Gigi. The whole morning could be considered a pattern. But there is more. The pattern: Morning is a sum of different patterns. the pattern wake up, the pattern washing up, the pattern meditation etch…

And any of these patterns is a sum of other patterns, the pattern of stretching, moving, breathing, drinking etch…

Can you see where I am going?

I am sure you are!

Our life is a series of patterns, behaviours, actions and thoughts. We are so used to those patterns that they seems normal for us and they constitute our habits.

Our habits are not more than a series of patterns we have been repeating constantly over and over again, mastering that behaviour.

Following up in the next post you will understand how patterns integrated in your mind can rule your life without you knowing how.

Keep following us!!

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You live in awareness!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

The Secrete of Emotional Intelligence. Pt.2 How to release anxiety

emotional freedomEmotions are energies flowing within your body. Know how to manage your internal energy. Know how to manage every emotion.                      Simone Vincenzi.

Hello Folks!! Now I am back!

I do apologise if I keep posting less and less since the day I started this project, but now I am facing a period of changes and I had to make room for something else to come up. But I promise I’ll keep posting at least once a week.

Please don’t be upset with me… At the end of the day.. I am a good guy!! hehe

After this little digression is time for me to reveal the Emotional Release Technique I promised you at the end of the last post The Secret of Emotional Intelligence.

If you didn’t have the chance to read it I warmly invite you to click on the link above for a better understanding of Emotional Intelligence.

After all you know about emotions, thoughts, beliefs and patterns, a question could now pop in into your mind.

How can I release negative emotions?

First of all I want you to understand that there are no thing such as negative emotions. Emotions are flowing energies. How can an energy be good or bad? Every emotion is part of the perfection of our human experience and, like everything, is worth of our appreciation and love.

If you thinking…

What about all the emotions that is difficult to deal with?

You are right. There are some emotions that create in the body pleasant or unpleasant feelings. Because they have the power to trigger and release different chemicals.

Chemicals like dopamine and serotonin make us feel really good and on a high! That’s why they are called from the scientific world “Feel Good” chemicals. 

Chemicals like adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol make us feel really bad, triggering the fight or flight response in our bodies and moving the body from a state of omeostasis to a place of internal chaos. We can call them “Feel Bad” chemicals.

This means that changing the energy of emotions I can change the chemicals released in my body?

Yes baby!! You got the point! If you consciously change the energy of your emotions you are consciously changing the hormones released inside your body.

This is why emotions like Disappointment, Anger, Fear, Anxiety make us feel so bad!

Yep my dear friend!

So, how can I release Anxiety?

If you want to know how to release anxiety there are different emotional release techniques you can use, some of them very easy and other more complex or uncommon.

I found a very effective that I am using more often than others and I practice also with my clients almost every coaching session.

Your Turn

If You want to know How to release Emotional Stress, Emotional Pain, understand your Emotional Feelings, reaching a sudden space of mindfulness and peacefulness you can apply the following easy steps.

  1. Accept and Welcome the feeling. Whatever it is. The best and mostit  direct way is to focus where the feeling is manifesting and saying with loving and appreciating voice (could also be inner voice): You are Welcome in my body. Thank You for being here.
  2. Keep focusing on the feeling and feel it as if alive in your body. Assess if is still or moving, the shape, the colour, the intensity. Observe from a detached perspective.
  3. Keep welcoming the feeling in your body and ask the the feeling what is the message that is bringing out. What does this feeling want to tell you?
  4. Now keep silent, still focus on the feeling and wait for an answer.
  5. Thank the feeling for the message and take action on the tips you have received from your Shining Self.

Now keep doing it every day and it will become natural for you.

How would your life be if you were able to manage all the disappointments, fears, anxieties that are manifesting inside your body?

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You appreciate and accept your emotions!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

The secret of emotional intelligence

emotional intelligenceLife is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.  – Lao Tzu

Halo halo!! Great to connect with you again! I wish I am finding you well, happy and healthy!

As you can see from the title, today’s post is about Emotional Intelligence and the Secret of  Your Emotional Intelligence.

First of all…

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence, as the name says is the intelligence of an emotion, where Intelligence is defined as the capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, grasping truths, relationships,facts, meanings manifesting a high mental capacity. Emotional, of the emotions. Where Emotions are defined as the flow of energy that, moving through the body, generates every feeling.

Do you mean emotions are clever?

Yes! More than you think! Studying how different emotions interact and move into the body we understood that they, like any other form of energy, have a life and respond to our thoughts, actions and intentions.

See your emotions as a friend that gives you an answer for every question you make. Your questions are your thoughts, conscious and subconscious. We are constantly thinking and constantly asking questions that are answered by God, The Divine, The Universe, The Quantum Field (however you want to name it) with an emotion. Emotions, as Gregg Braden says, are the language in which we communicate with God and vice versa.

Using the personification of an emotion we can easily see that if we treat a friend with love, respect, care, appreciation and gratitude, we are going to develop a long lasting friendship.

If we, instead, neglect our friend, forget about him, don’t take care about him and escape from him, this friend is going to be very angry and react to us in an aggressive manner.

You are telling me that our emotions behave like living beings?

You got it!! Our emotions, if nurtured, cared and accepted are going to take care of us in return. If not, they are going to be very upset and to raise their voice because they want to be heard.

Let me ask you a question…

Do you prefer a friend who try to change you and want you to be somebody else, or a friend that accept and love you as you are, because who are you?

If your answer is the first… well, is better you assess who is surrounding you…                      If your answer is the second you can perfectly understand how an emotion can feel when not accepted. If you, on the other hand, accept the emotion fully and appreciate it as it is, you will experience a major shift in that emotion, who will express your gratitude towards you.

 Are you saying that if I express my gratitude and appreciation towards an emotion, no matter what the emotion is, I will feel a shift in the emotion?

Yes! This is how Emotional Intelligence work! Emotions, as every other energy, act like a mirror. They will reflect you back what you are sending out. In other terms I am talking about the Laws of Attraction. What you send out, you are going to get back.

This is why is so important to accept and nurture you emotions constantly. More Love, Appreciation, Gratitude, Acceptance you send out, more Love, Appreciation, Gratitude, Acceptance you are going to receive from your inner world.

This is just a little slice of the fascinating world of emotions.

If You want to know the most effective technique to Accept Your Emotions keep following us!! I am going to share a juicy technique I use daily that made major shifts in my life and in the life of million of people around the world.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You appreciate and accept your emotions!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

Healing the Body

lighthealing.51132444“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” 
― Rumi

Have you ever had a sudden or a chronic pain manifesting in your life? Maybe something happen after an argument or challenging situation and you found yourself sick after that moment? Maybe every time you think about something or you recollect a memory from the past you have a physical response in a part of your body? Maybe You have been already healing your body with different practices…

If You have experienced any those and you are asking yourself the question “What is the real truth about physical pain?” you are in the right room.

Today I was working with a client on the topic of vulnerability and we ended up healing an emotional issue she has been carrying within her body since she was a child. Every time we started talking about what happened, strong feelings started manifesting in her body. Tightness in her legs, heat on the back of her neck, cold in her hand and a pressure in her chest.

What is the meaning of those physical manifestations?

The Body is an intelligent and alive organism with more power than we are usually taught to think. I could spend the next 2 days going through what are the real capabilities of the human body but this is not the purpose of this post.

The purpose of this post is to raise the awareness about one of the cause of physical illness, pain, body sensations and how you can heal your body.

Since the day we start our development inside the womb the first cell that originates our being have the capacity to store and record memories, emotions, and events that will be all stored in the cellular memory of the body.

Yes… Cellular memory. Every single cell inside the body, carries within the memories of all the cells that preceded her and their experiences.  We are not just storing our memories but also the emotional memories of our parents, grandparents and so on up the line.

Some memories, in particular the one attached to strong feelings and emotions can create changes in the balance of the energetic system of the body.

Has been approved that any illness is caused by changes of the body states of homeostasis, which the perfect and ideal state for the body of growth and health.  Homestasis is reached when all the energetic systems of the body are in perfect balance.

Some memories, changing the balance of those energetic systems, prevent the body to reach homestasis and manifest themselves as strong and dense feelings all over the body.

Releasing the emotional attachment of those memories, enable the energetic systems  to reach their optimal state and heal the body.

I wanted to make all the process very simple. For this reason I wanted just to give the basic informations.

If You want to know more, please, feel free to contact me or write me a private message.

 Your Turn

Now I invite you to be aware of your own body.

  • How does your body respond during the day?
  • How does your body respond with different people?
  • How does your body react when recollecting strong memories?
  • Where does the memory manifest?

Remember: Awareness is always the first key of lasting and effective changes.

For more info about Emotional Releasing and body pain feel free to contact me any time.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You always heal your body!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~



Frustration? You are Welcome!!

frustration“When experiencing frustration, you can let frustration lead you or you can lead frustration to support you in what you want to get.”                       My inner voice.


It is a dark, cold Friday night of February. The living rooms of the small houses surrounding me were enlightened by the soft moving shades of the television screen or by a luminous halo pending from the sealing.

It is 20.30. The cold weather of London, is now starting penetrating into my bones.

I lost the sensitivity on my hands and feet long time ago and I am now just waiting for somewhere warm where to rest my body.

Me and my friend Raphael have been walking constantly, with fast pace since 3.30, time of the beginning of the shift.

Yes, just the 2 of us today to make a difference for the people affected by cancer that McMillan is brightly supporting.

It is 20.30.

After 5h of hard work we were been able just to get 1 sign up…

The end of the shift is getting closer and the temperature is dropping. Dozens of people don’t even come to the door or don’t want hear abut us…

It is in that moment, while knocking in front of number 1, Palmer Street, that I catch myself saying:

“Why am I doing all this?” “Who is making me work as a door to door foundraiser?” “Why can’t I find a job in the warmth of an office?”

Is in that moment that I catch these thoughts, running wildly into my head.

I felt really down. And more I let myself down, more the people were responding negatively to me, slamming doors in front of my face.

Is in that moment that I decided to have a small team leading session inside my own head.

For an easier writing I’ll call my frustrated self F and my motivational self M. I hope you will enjoy the little drama that was going on inside my head in that moment.

M started this motivational talk saying to F:

“I know you feel frustrated, I know you are not getting what you were expecting from the day, and I know it is tough keep walking with the same level of energy for 5 hours, under this cold weather. And I am sorry you have to experience all this. I am sorry you have to go true such a tough moment.”

F replied: “Thank you… I really need a brake… I cannot keep working this way… I feel too frustrated.”

“Well, I agree with you, just stop for a minute and have a sip of water. I am sure you will soon feel better…” continued M.

So I stopped, and took a large glass of water from the termos I was carrying inside my bag.

M then continued:

“You know F, you know how the Universe works. All the difficulties you are facing along the way are a gift for you. This is your present now. I know you are aware that just challenging yourself you can grow and develop the skills that will allow you to overcome future challenges.”

M was right, I knew inside that I am creating this reality and what I am manifesting is what I need to grow and develop spiritually, mentally and physically. I knew it… but somehow that knowledge slipped into a remote place of my mind.

M kept on saying: “You are going to always experience frustration in your life when you are not getting what you want. There is nothing wrong. Frustration is a human feeling and is part of our perfection. There is nothing you can do about that. What you can do instead is to manage your frustration and let her be your best ally.”

F went silent for a while allowing M to move on with the talk.

“When experiencing frustration, you can let frustration lead you or you can lead frustration to support you in what you want to get. You know you have the power to do it. You know you have the power to understand, lead and manage your emotion in the way that will serve you manifesting what you really want.”

“Wow… What a great motivator!!!” Another voice, that now I call G, popped up from nowhere said to me.

M then took the leadership of my mindset and my emotional state, guiding F towards every door and handling in the best possible way every situation that came up afterwards.

5 minutes to 9.

Last door and then the shift was over.

A gentle and beautiful woman from Hungary opened the door greeting me with a beautiful smile. It seems she was waiting just for me. We started laughing and talking about food, holidays, Hungary and Italy. Needless to say that she wanted to sign up immediately allowing me to raise founds for McMillan and reaching my best personal and team score as a team leader since I started working for Home Foundrasing.

I kept believing I could make it until last minute, until last door.

I kept my motivation high and did the best I could each door I knocked.

It seems that the Universe was testing me and observing me, pushing me to the point where I had just to choices: Drop or Win.

I won, I won the inner battle that was taking place between my hears, handling it with the warmth and wisdom of my heart.


It is in those days that I realise how much I have developed, how much I have changed and I much I still have to grow.

It is in those days that I thank the Universe for what is giving to me and for what I am manifesting in my life.

It is in those days that I would like to see and give him/her an HI FIVE for the perfection of each moment.

 Your Turn

Now I invite you to think about a challenging situation you have experienced recently you could handle in a better way.

Reflect above the following questions:


  • What were you saying to yourself?
  • What could you say instead?
  • What are you going to say next time it will happen?

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You always lead frustration!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~




Passion and Dream

dreams“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” 
Walt Disney 


I wish I am finding you well and happy!

Today I feel like sharing with you a little story. I found inspiring lines on internet, while researching for my coaching program          Live Your Purpose, Live Your Life.



This story is about dreams, determination, self-belief and passion. The pearl closed in the shell of the following words is invaluable and I invite you to deeply reflect about how this story relates to your own life.


“The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. She said, “Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?” I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.

“Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked. She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of kids..” “No seriously,” I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age. “I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me.

After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk non-stop I was always mesmerized listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she revealed in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.

At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, “I’m sorry I’m so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I’ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.”

As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humour every day. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it! There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”

She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose.” She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the year’s end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.

How many dreams did you give up because you became too “old” to pursue them?

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!!

May You always follow your passion!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~


Your Higher Self, Your Shining Self

Your Shinig Self“The key to the universe lies dormant within the self, waiting to awaken through self-discovery”    Taejoon Lee


I’m really Happy to connect with You again.

Today we are going to talk about Your Shining Self and we are going to tap into who is your Shining Self,  understand why you want to connect with Your Shining Self, to explore what does spirituality really means and what role plays the spiritual practice in everyday’s life, and finally, How you can connect with Your Shining Self.

This will be an amazing journey of emotional self discovery and I’m excited to share this moment with You.

You see… I firmly believe that everything in Life happens for a reason.  Yes, there is a reason why I’m here with You now. There is a reason why You are here reading these words. My wish for You is that the message wrapped in this experience may manifest with clarity and love.

Are You ready? Fantastic!!

Who Is Your Shining Self? What is Thyself? Does the soul really exists? and if it exists, why it is not possible to see it?

There could be infinite questions around the topic of the soul. I don’t want You to believe what I’m saying blindly. This is just what make sense to me and it is part of my experience. Take what You feel is right for You. If You see some value in these words, take it. And compost what doesn’t resonate with You!

I believe, Your Shining Self, is that part of You that resides within You. That part of You that is the host of Your body. Ancient scriptures always said, “Your body is a Temple.”

What is a temple?

A temple is accepted to be seen the house of God. The house of a superior entity. The house of something that we cannot see, but we can feel and perceive.

The question is: If our body is a temple, and I’m assuming we can accept that,

Who lives in this temple?

Who is the entity that we cannot see, but feel, that inhabits this temple?

This is Your Shining Self. Religions and Spiritual traditions from all ages have underlined the existence and the importance of the soul. Our soul…

 How happened that our soul, that was floating around, drinking pina colada while playing and drifting around the clouds, ended up in our body?

We have to accept now that the reality we are living in is not the only reality existing. We have to accept that this reality, as we perceive is formed by very solid, dense and low vibrations of the Field. This is what make possible the manifestations of the world as we see it. But as the vibration increase or change, other levels of reality are manifesting all around us, levels of reality that are difficult to perceive at our regular state of consciousness. When Changing and our state of consciousness we are more likely to have experiences of the other realities surrounding us. Basically, what we are doing is aligning our vibrational frequencies to the vibrations existing in that reality.

My experience taught me that our Shining Self vibrates at frequencies that can be associated to the frequencies of the feelings of Appreciation, Love and Gratitude.

Have You ever had the experience of feeling heavy and depressed?  Feeling like  a suffocating weight on Your chest? Great!!, You have experienced low frequencies, generally associated with feelings related to fear, discomfort, shame… all dear  friends that made our life not so easy. Don’t you agree?


What happen when You feel grateful for something? What Happen when you genuinely appreciate something? What Happen when You care for someone with all your heart?

You feel lighter isn’t it? Maybe you can have a warm feeling around your heart or tingling sensation in your hands… This is because You are raising your vibrational frequencies, aligning with Your Shining Self… Who You really are.


I took inspiration, for the following exercise, from the Hearth Math Institute. They have developed technologies in that can measure the level of coherence of the heart-brain connection while observing the heart waves. What they found out is that emotions can affect the heart waves and the level of coherence of the heart-brain connection.

With a simple technique they were able to measure that was possible to            re-establish a coherent connection after an emotional disturbance.

Try it NOW!!

  1. Breath slowly and gently for 1 minute or 2, focusing your attention around the area of your heart.
  2. When you’ll start feeling relaxed and comfortable, think about something pleasurable for you. An event, a place or a person of the past, of the present or of the future.
  3. Keep on focusing on that image, and the positive feelings that are flowing in you.
  4. After less than 5 min. you’ll find yourself in a more relaxed and resourceful state.

Keep on practice and it will become automatic to do it whenever you’ll feel in an uncomfortable situation.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!!

May You always believe in Yourself!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~




Your Patterns rule your Life

“Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character. ” Steven Covey

Hi!! I hope You all had a wonderful Christmas time, and that you were able to spend it with the people you love the most! I had an amazing time too and I’m convinced that this year has been the most meaningful I have ever had.

Following the reflection on the last days, I decided that the topic of this post will be LIFE PATTERNS.

What are Life Patterns?

First of all I’d love to share with you the etymology and the dictionary definition of the word pattern, to better link it with what our life pattern are.

PATTERN: from the Latin PATRON: a model to be imitated.

PATTERN:a combination of qualities, acts, tendencies, etc., forming a consistent or characteristic arrangement: the behaviour patterns of teenagers.

What can we see reading these definitions? What really is a pattern?

A pattern is a model, a model that repeats or can be repeated over and over again.

Well… and what is the link between our patterns and our behaviour?

Well questioned!! What is behaviour? Behaviour is a series of actions, feelings and thoughts that, repeated over and over again, become part of our identity and the way we perceive ourself or others. A behaviour is just a series of patterns. First of all we need to understand how our mind works.

Tony Buzan, leading expert in the field of discovering human potential, offers an excellent analogy describing the working modalities of our mind. “Think at the brain’s capacity as a huge neural jungle. A jungle with billions and billions of potential connection and neural networks. Imagine the first person who attempts to run through the jungle; it is thick and they battle through. When the next person comes along in the same area, they will see a slight path trodden by the first person. After a dozen or so people have gone through, there is a clear flattened pathway and anyone coming to the jungle, will automatically use the path rather than go into the undergrowth. So, the one single pathway gets ever easier and an automatic choice.

Think about your patterns in the same way. Once you learn to think and respond in the same way, this way of behaving becomes increasingly automatic.

….I don’t get what you are trying to say… I got what patterns are… but what is the link between our patterns and our life?

Hey!!! Hold on!! I’m getting there!!

Now that you know that our patterns are what condition our behaviour and our perception of the world, leading our thinking process, we can use the same analogy to think about our life.

Think about your life as a series of repeating patterns. We, subconsciously, have a series of embedded patterns that we learned from our parents and society in our early childhood, which we are mostly not aware of.

Think about your life for a moment…

It never happen to you to say: “Oh… Not again…” and it seems you have had this experience before? Or: “Yes!! I’m always lucky when talking about..!!”…. etch…

Think about yourself financially, in relationships, with friends, in business…

What cyclical patterns can you see? What experiences, people and behaviours seems repeating in your life?

For example, I have a very strong self sabotaging pattern when talking about finances, and it seems it is “impossible” and difficult for me to save money. I am compelled to invest or spend what I have. I am now working on it, but before I wasn’t aware of it and I always ended up, for different reasons, being broke. But I have another pattern that set myself financially at at least, 1000£. So it always happen that I find a way and opportunities to back myself up.

I’m telling my story because I wish you can understand your patterns and, if they are not serving you or sabotaging you, you will do something about it. Awareness is the key of change.

…Wow… this is a complete new way of seeing life… I don’t believe it. Who is telling me you are right?

Well pointed. I’m not asking you to believe me. This is what makes sense to me, and this is what I believe. Just you can know the answer. Dig deeper within yourself and see if what I’m telling resonates with you.

Before I go I want to share with you what is the real impact of these patterns in your life and why you want to work on your patterns.

Life patterns are embedded in our subconscious mind and collective mind. Like everything in the Universe, they are a series of vibrating frequencies that attract the same energy and the same frequencies.

What does it mean? It means that if you are not aware of your patterns and you don’t work on them, you’ll keep attracting the same situations and manifesting the same reality in your life, however you like it or not.

If you need support working in depth and analyse your life patterns, contact me or send me a private message and I’ll be honoured to share with you the process I use, that so far, made a massive impact in my life, in particular in the area of relationships.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

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May You live always in awareness.

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

Overcoming Challenges: The fine art of Acceptancy

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“I embrace the imperfections and celebrate them.”             Kesha

Struggles, desires, challenges, wants and needs. Sometimes, through the storms and winds of everyday’s challenges,  it seems there is no time or space to enjoy Life. It feels we are like little hamsters, trying to keep up running on our wheel of bills, responsibilities and duties.

Until last year I was running on this wheel. My thoughts were focused on how to pay my bills, how to have enough money for my basics, where I was going to get waisted on the weekend or planning a holiday in the best place to get waisted.

That thoughts and that lifestyle, even though I enjoyed it, don’t resonate with me any more. I’m now looking for something else, I’m now looking for a deeper meaning behind my actions and outcomes.

So, one sunny day of July 2011, motivated by the insightful and eye-opening Experience Week in the spiritual community of Findhorn in Scotland, the spiritual teachers and motivators I was listening to, I choose to change. I choose to take responsibility of my Life. I choose to identify my purpose and do the best I could do to live with integrity and do my part in the world. I choose to make the first step and allow the abundance I deserved to come into my Life.

From that moment, the moment I took that decision, my Life unfolded in ways I would never expected….

I’ve been given more challenges than before, more deep dark moments, more situations in which I didn’t now how I was going to make it. But it wasn’t all. Alongside with challenges I’ve been given all the help and the support to mature, grow and overcome them. I’ve been meeting loving people who became the friends that never hesitated to help me when I was in need and to celebrate joyful and happy moments. I’ve been given all the opportunities I was looking for in the field I’m working and I’ve been given the wisdom to follow through every tough moment.

…well… Have You ever found Yourself asking the question “Why me?” “Why do I have to through all this crap?”

You bet it!!! And it wasn’t long time ago since the last time. Have You ever experienced these moments where everything seems to go wrong? where health, finances and emotional balance seems to say goodbye, take a flight and go in holiday in the Canary Islands? It was one night, stuck in my bad with a terrible headache, I decided to listen to one of the conference call from the online seminar, Healing with the Masters, hosted by Jennifer McLean, interviewing the spiritual teacher Panache Desai.

It was the first time for me to hear his Truths. His words resonate within me immediately and his message, so clear and straight to the point, like an arrow, brake through my heart.

… and what was his message?

His message was very simple and comforting. I broke it down for You in little steps.



I’ve heard these concepts before, but now I was ready to really listen and learn.

And if You are here, it means You are now ready. If You are here it means that You want something more from Life and that You want to give more.

Well, I’m not saying this is easy to do, and I’m not saying that the pain of some experiences is easy to overcome. And it is fine to experience that pain, it is fine to experience that sorrow, it is fine to experience that frustration. There is nothing wrong with all of that. It is part of our human experience, it is part of our beauty. But we don’t want to stay stuck in this cycle. We want to acknowledge them just as they are: feelings. When we experience this new realm of reality, when we are willing to surrender to our experience, embrace it and learn from it, we are then ready to be thankful to what happened to us and to move on, grown and stronger than before.

….and what happens next?… what happens after I embrace my feelings and my experience?

I cannot tell You what will happen to You, that will be Your reality and part of Your own path. But I can share with You what happened to me. As soon as I stepped in this process, something amazing started to manifest. My body started healing immediately, I received a phone call who sorted out my financial situation and amazing opportunities opened up for the near future. It seems like somebody was just waiting for me to make this step. It seems like somebody listened to my call. I cannot express the feeling of gratitude I have now in my chest. I’m now certain that no matter what, everything is going to be fine, because, no matter what everything is fine in every moment.

Your turn:

If You are now facing a tough period in one area of Your Life, I’d love to share with You these steps that helped Me to detach, embrace, assess and brake through. I hope this will be useful also for You.

  1.  Take a breath. A very long deep breath.
  2. Focus Your attention on Your hearth, feel Your Heart, feel that sacred space, where no worries or problems are allowed, that place where You are an infinite field of possibilities, that place that is the realm of Love.
  3. Now say to Yourself, like talking to a little child, that everything is perfect as it is. That You are perfect as You are. That there is nothing to be worried about. That everything is fine. Ensure Yourself like You were the most important person in the world.
  4. Now ask Yourself the following questions and write down the first thing that comes into your mind. Don’t judge it, even if it seems it has no sense. Remember, there is no thing that is meaningless.
  5. What is in this experience for me? What can I learn?
  6. What is in this experience for Us? What can We learn?
  7. Knowing what I know now, what can i do different next time?
  8. Knowing what I know now, what can I say to myself next time I’m going to live this experience?
  9. And now be thankful to yourself, be thankful to your experience and be thankful to your emotions.
  10. You are now ready to move, stronger than before, wiser than before, and more focused than before. You now know what to do. Don’t wait more. Do it! and enjoy the gift of Life.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

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May You always embrace the perfection of Your reality!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~