How to take The Next Step in 3D

How to take The Next Step in 3D.

Hi! Simone here for your weekly blog @Your Power to Shine.

Today I am going to reveal how to take your next step in 3D!

If you are into personal development I am sure you have heard before about the importance of taking the next step in order to achieve your goals. And I am sure that, if you are reading this post, you have attempted several steps before this moment. Some more successful and some others less.

If are you wondering why, in some situations, maybe after careful planning and a clear vision in mind, you didn’t follow through or you stopped along the way, the answer is simple… Maybe you took that step in 2D or, even worst, 1D.

Yes… You read right. 3D, 2D, 1D… But what does it mean?

I am going to tell you now:

  • what are the 3D’s for the next step;
  • what stopped you from achieving your goal;
  • how to use 3D’s in your goal setting to achieve the ultimate outcome

Let’s Start!

The 3D’s for taking the Next Step are:

  1. Decision
  2. Direction
  3. Drive

1) Decision is the moment of choice. It is when we make the choice to take the first step. The decision must be really strong and must be grounded in you. It needs to have a solid reason WHY and it must be in alignment with your core values, with who you are.

2) Direction is the clarity of the outcome. You always have to check out what is the ultimate outcome you want to have. The ultimate destination. Every step must move you towards that direction.

3) Drive is the energy to keep the momentum going. It is the amount of energy that is moving you towards that direction. It is directly proportional to how big is the WHY of the decision. Bigger the WHY, higher the ENERGY, stronger the MOMENTUM.

So, what stopped you from taking the next step?

If all the 3D’s are not in place and capital letters, you are more likely to give up and not follow through. Think about last time you attempted a goal and then you dropped off. Where you taking the next step in 3D? or maybe just in 2D… The 3D’s are all interconnected, one affect the other. If you don’t have a strong Decision, this is going to affect ultimately your Drive. If you don’t have a clear Direction, this is going to interfere with your Decision and if you do not have Drive, this is going to effect the ultimate outcome i.e. your Direction.

Can you see where I am going?


Now, how can you use the 3D’s for the ultimate goal setting?

Next time you set a goal, answer to this question before everything else.


  • Why am I doing it?
  • How big is my motivation in a scale from 1 to 10?
  • What will happen if I don’t do it?
  • What will happen if I do it?


  • What is my ultimate outcome?
  • Where is this goal bringing me?
  • Which of my core values are honoured in this goal?
  • Is it in alignment with my purpose in Life?


  • How much energy am I willing to put in to my goal?
  • What am I going to do when things get though?
  • How am I going to motivate myself and keep the energy up?
  • What is my BIG WHY?

If you take your Next Step in 3D, you are sure you are going to get to your outcome like a piece of cake. It is going to be easy, fun and energising. You will look forward taking that step!

If you want to see the video of this blog, click NOW on the link below and subscribe to my youtube channel!

How to take The Next Step in 3D.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

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To your Next Step in 3D.

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

Simone Vincenzi

Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.3

“If you don’t know what is your next step, take a moment, see what scares you the most and take a step towards that direction.”     Simone Vincenzi                                                      

Hi, Here we are again!! Thank You for keep following!

This is post is entitled Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.3 and it is the last part of a series of 3 posts about Vision, Purpose and Mission.

If you missed the previous posts I invite you to start from the beginning.

>>>>CLICK HERE for Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.1

>>>>CLICK HERE for Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.2

We left ourself last time with the question:

What fear is preventing You for taking the next step?

Fear of changeFear of success?Fear of failureFear of uncertainty?

Fear exists in no other place than in your mind. Your mind has been conditioned from the early stages to look for dangers in order to protect you in your everyday life. Every changes, everything that our mind doesn’t perceive as familiar (i.e. safe) brings a certain level of uncertainty. And uncertainty brings a lack of certainty. The certainties of what you have now, of your status quo, of your self-image, of how you perceive yourself.

A change on your outside world is a change in your inside world. As soon as you embrace the fact that in order to live your purpose, in order to be happy, in order to live the life you want you need to change.

As soon as you live your changes with flexibility, an open mind and trusting the universe that what is going to come into your life is for the good of you and of humanity as a whole.

As soon you accept that change and flow is part of your everyday reality, you stop resist the flow, you stop going against the change but you align with the change, you dance with the flow.

The most important shift that must happen into your mindset is to see change as an opportunity to be lived with curiosity, not as a scaring event to be lived with resistance.

What does make you think that what is going to happen is going to be worst that what you have now in the current situation?

Who is telling you that the next step is going to be a step backwards instead of a step forward?

Let me tell you… there is no such a thing as a step backwards. You are constantly growing, constantly moving forward. Day by day. Hour by hour. Minute by minute. Moment by moment.


Stand up for what you value! Stand up for your life. Stand up for what you want and what you deserve.

Get up from the couch of your comfort zone.

Build momentum and keep moving.

Don’t you know the direction yet?

I’ll give you a tip. Find what scares you the most and move towards that direction. Let me repeat it. Find what scares you the most and move, small steps, towards that direction. Build momentum with little action steps and celebrate all your successes along the way. Build momentum so you have the energy to break through that fear when it will happen.

I am sure you can do it. The fact that you are reading this article now, is telling me you are committed to your success and to find alignment with who you really are.

I wish You a Purposeful and Successful Life!

For any question or support contact me now.

I am here to support and help you growing along your journey.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You always live Your Purpose!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

Confused about what to do after college?

Confused about what to do after college?

If You don’t know what to do next,

If you don’t know what way is YOUR way,

If You want to grab the steering wheel of your destiny.

Your Power to Shine is here for you!

With Love


<div style=”margin-bottom:5px”> <strong> <a href=”; title=”What to do after college?” target=”_blank”>What to do after college?</a> </strong> from <strong><a href=”; target=”_blank”>Simone Vincenzi</a></strong> </div>

You are affected by your patterns pt. 2 The Pattern Loop

thinking patterns“Your Ego, what you and other people perceive about yourself, is a series thinking patterns… Every pattern you think is the trigger of another thinking pattern and so on.” Simone Vincenzi

Ciao Belli!!! This is the follow up of You are affected by Your Patterns, a successful post I wrote a couple of weeks ago. If haven’t read it yet I invite you to read it before moving on! Enjoy your readings and please like and share it with the world!!!! ahaha!!

Moving on…

I am sure you can agree with me you have your own pattern for every given situation isn’t it?

NO??? Think about your life. How many times you can say: “It always happen to me??” Or how many times you do the same things over and over again?

And this is perfectly normal, this is how we function. Our breath is regulated by a pattern, our heartbeat, each single movement we do or word we speak. Even every single thing we feel is regulated by a pattern.

Also, as you can clearly see, every pattern, automatically, is the beginning of the following pattern. Creating a cycle.

I call this cycle: Pattern Loop.

What do I mean about Pattern Loop?

A Pattern Loop is a cycle of patterns where each pattern is the trigger of the following pattern.

Let me repeat it again for you:

A pattern loop is a cycle of patterns where each pattern is the trigger of the following pattern.

Let me give you an example.

Gigi started his day waking up. 1st pattern, that triggered the “going to toilet” 2nd pattern, who triggered the “washing up” pattern and so on…

But now I want you to imagine ..

If a new pattern is introduced in that routine what will then happen?

Let me give you an example. Let’s say the new pattern of not waking up and stay in bad clicks in. What pattern in your opinion will be triggered next? Gigi, obviously, will not follow the series of patterns it was used to follow.

Does it make sense?


How is Gigi’s day linked with how our mind works?

Our mind works in the same way. We have a series of thoughts that, repeated over and over again, become patterns. Those patterns are, what NLP calls, our Beliefs. The power of those patterns, or beliefs is that they affect the pattern feelings.

What does it mean? You know, you are thinking every moment, even if you are not aware of it. Your blood pressure, your heartbeat, your digestion is all controlled by thoughts. The only matter is that you are not aware of it. So think about it closely. If a thought has the capability to control what makes us alive on this planet…. What can the impact of a thought be in our life?

On the next post we are going to dig down into the rabbit hole of our patterns and since then…

Enjoy Your Life!!!

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You create your own patterns!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

How to create a Facebook page in 4min. Facebook page VS Facebook profile

How to create a Facebook page in 4min. Facebook page VS Facebook profile.

Do you want to know how to create a Facebook page starting from scratch?

Here is the 4th video of the serie How to create a Facebook page in 4 min.

Today you are going to understand the difference between Facebook page, Facebook profile and how to use them for attracting clients to your business.

Check this out!! 🙂

Your Power to Shine

The power of things left unsaid

things left unsaidThings left unsaid have the power to destroy what you have created. Express your feelings at any time and don’t be afraid of the consequences. It is anyway better that don’t say anything.

Hello Guys! I wish I am finding you happy and excited about this fantastic day you are manifesting and, if it is a tough day, which it might happen, why not have a look here? The Secret of Emotional Intelligence.

Today’s post is about things left unsaid.

How many things left unsaid are you storing in the cupboard of your mind? Maybe with your colleagues. Maybe with your friends. Maybe with your family. Or maybe with your loved one.

How many emotions to express? How many emotions unexpressed? And how many feelings suppressed?

Things left unsaid can really have a negative impact on the health of the relationships with the people surrounding you. Think about your emotional storage like a pressure cooker. Less you express your emotions, less you express your feelings, more the things left unsaid build up in your guts.

What happen if the pressure in a pressure cooker is not released?


This exactly what will happen to you if you don’t learn how to express your feelings, or if you are not willing to express your emotions and leave things unsaid.

After this brief introduction, today I’d like to talk about relationships. Yes of course, I am not a relationship expert, but I am a lover… a deep lover, and even if there is no qualification for that I can proudly show my diploma in deep love.

Ok well… I tried to be funny…

The bottom line is that loving relationships are no different than any other relationship you have with the people who you meet along your path. There are strategies and techniques to use to make sure you screw up those relationships.

One of them, and probably the most effective one, is leaving things unsaid.

When you don’t express a thought, a feeling or an emotion and you rather decide to avoid it, where do you think those thoughts, feelings and emotions go?  They surely don’t disappear at all!!

What happens then?

Thoughts, feelings and emotions are energies. Kind of energies that, if not expressed and released stick into your energetic field and build up within and around you. They got stuck into your energetic field creating blockages to the natural flow of your energetic being.

For more information about the consequences that this can have to your body you might want to read my post entitled Healing Your Body.

Can you give me an example?

Of course! Have you ever walked into a room full of people? I am sure you had… Have you ever felt like a bad or a good atmosphere around? This is exactly what I am talking about. At an emotional level we are aware of everything and every emotions stored in the energetic field of the people surrounding us. We can always SENSE how people feels and what people think. This is a skill we have been always having since the day we were born. But we have neglected it along the way somehow. It is something some people are more gifted to or others have developed through time and practice.

And if you are asking yourself…

How is this relating to relationships?

Well, the answer is simpler than you thing.

When you don’t say what you think and leave emotions and feelings unexpressed, they immediately build up into your energetic field. Causing a blockage of energy in your energetic field with all the given consequences. This is not all… The other person, maybe not consciously, is always able to pick up what it is stored in your energetic field and create a memory of that moment, of that feeling, of that emotion that can be triggered in a second time, when something similar happens. Generally, when the emotion gets triggered again, it release all the emotions that were attached to it, causing what we generally call… an overreaction.

And there is no point for me to tell you now what are the consequences. I am sure that you have experienced them… and probably more than once 😉

Can You see now how important is to be honest and express your feelings and emotions?

Why don’t we do it on a regular basis?

Well… this can be topic for another post…


I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You live in honesty!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~



You are affected by Your Patterns.

thinking patterns“The ultimate truth, for me,  is that the World as we perceive it is a series of energetic patterns that keep unfolding into the reality of the present”

-Simone Vincenzi

Hi folks!! It has been a while since last time isn’t it? I wish I am finding you well and happy and life is unfolding in the most playful way for you.

Today’s post is about patterns? Patterns seems to be everywhere, surrounding us and… within us. What are what we call patterns? What are our thinking patterns and haw can we brake the cycle of our emotional patterns?

I was asking myself all these question as this is a topic that sparkled into my heart since ever I heard about it…

I wish you will enjoy the patterns of this post as I enjoyed writing about it.


From different definitions we can assume that a general definition of pattern could be : “A repeating model of structures”, could these structures manifest in our inner reality, such as behavioural pattern, or externally, such as artistic patterns.

I assume we all can agree that, in some way or another our life, internally and externally, is ruled by patterns, behaviours or models that we follow on a daily basis to go through our journey.

Let me give you an example. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? What is the second and the third and so on… I believe you have a structure or a daily routine you follow.

Let’s Imagine the life of Mr. Gigi. He is a young guy working as a waiter in an Italian restaurant in Barbican. Now let’s have a close look about what he does in the morning.

Are you ready? Well first of all is better to say hello to Gigi and to ask his permission to observe him for the next 5 min. Yeah, we are not going too close…. We won’t go into red hot zones of the day or moment of extreme privacy…

Yeah, is a cool guy and he doesn’t mind! Also he got paid for this… so…

Gigi wakes up at 7 am every morning, as soon as he gets up, after a stretch, he walk slowly to the toilet to wash himself up and reconnect with the outside world. After, he moves to the luminous kitchen, where he drink a big glass of water before starting his daily meditation. He moves back to his room, where we are going to live him in silence for the next 30 min.

E voilá! 30 min after he is ready for other 30 min of yoga and stretching, before going to have a juicy breakfast with a big piece of fresh fruit and some almond milk.

After breakfast is now time for a quick shower and dressing up, ready for the morning shift.

And this is where we are going to leave Gigi wishing him a fantastic and happy day.

What did you see there? What was Gigi doing? Why, every morning does he do the same things?

Can you see any pattern in his behaviour?

Well, as you might have noticed we have described the pattern of a typical morning of Gigi. The whole morning could be considered a pattern. But there is more. The pattern: Morning is a sum of different patterns. the pattern wake up, the pattern washing up, the pattern meditation etch…

And any of these patterns is a sum of other patterns, the pattern of stretching, moving, breathing, drinking etch…

Can you see where I am going?

I am sure you are!

Our life is a series of patterns, behaviours, actions and thoughts. We are so used to those patterns that they seems normal for us and they constitute our habits.

Our habits are not more than a series of patterns we have been repeating constantly over and over again, mastering that behaviour.

Following up in the next post you will understand how patterns integrated in your mind can rule your life without you knowing how.

Keep following us!!

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You live in awareness!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

How to elicit core values.

core values“Everybody talks about values. When we talk about market values, added values, business values, people values we are referring to the inner force driving everything towards the ultimate destination”.          – Simone Vincenzi

Hello dear souls! I hope I am finding you well and happy with this post.

If you are now reading this post, it means you are looking for something deeper that what you just perceive. It means that you are looking for the reason why, the inner force that drives you towards the choices you make on a daily basis.

If you haven’t read yet the first post I have written about Values, and you are asking yourself the question What are my Core Values?, I invite you to read now also What do You VALUE the most?.

Neuro Linguistic Programming call those inner forces Core Values. This is what are our human values. An inner force that drive us towards every decision we make, each moment of our life. It is a big statement, I know! But what if this is actually true? What if we really have some moral values that are, ultimately, shaping our destiny and what we get from life? What if there is an energy that, starting from our subconscious mind direct us, like rails, on the destination we are going to achieve?

Now that we have understood how much our values are determining our whole life, the question that might pop into your head now could be:

What can I do to elicit my values?

If You are asking yourself this question you are going the find the answer in the following paragraphs.

As you understood perfectly, eliciting our values is the most important thing we can do to check if what we are doing, the actions we take and the decision we make, are in alignment with who we really are and what is subconsciously driving us.

When You are aware of what your core values are you will be able to make the right choice in every given situation,without stepping in any self-sabotaging behaviour, which 90% of the time, comes from an incongruity between our beliefs, actions and our inner values.

Can You see now how important is to be aware of your Core Values?

Now, following, you find a process that will support you during the elicitation of Your Core Values. Invite you to keep asking those questions for, at least, 5 min and dig deeper every time. Sometimes our Operational Values got hidden from our Idealistic Values.

If you want to know what is the difference between our Operational Values and our Idealistic Values you might want to read                                                            What do You VALUE the most?

Enjoy the Process and have fun while doing it. There is no right or wrong answer, just your perfect and whole being.

I invite you also to share your thought at the bottom of the page after the exercise. How did you found it?

Your turn

Now chose an area of your Life. Like Career, Fun, Family, Friends, Leisure, Health, Love, Relationships…. Pick up the area that is the most important for you right now and ask yourself the following questions.  I invite you also to write down the answers so you can keep track of your thoughts.

  1. What is most important to you in the chosen area?
  2. What else?
  3. Keep asking those questions at least for 5 min and write down the first thing that is coming up into your mind, even if it is the same of the previous thought.
  4. Then look at the way you make decision in the chosen area. Pick up a couple of times when you had to make important decisions in those areas.
  5. What Value was that decision serving? Was it adventure. security, uncertainty, love, contribution, growth, appreciation…?
  6. Now pick up another example and ask the same question.
  7. Now think about what pushes your button in the chosen area, what is that really moves you to take action?
  8. And now find the patterns. Assessing your decisions, actions, thoughts and feelings, What is the value that has been served the most.

In this post you have learnt how your core values are affecting your reality and one of the most effective way to elicit them. Now that you have this awareness I am confident you are going to assess accurately what decision to make in alignment with what is driving you.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You live according to your values!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

The Secrete of Emotional Intelligence. Pt.2 How to release anxiety

emotional freedomEmotions are energies flowing within your body. Know how to manage your internal energy. Know how to manage every emotion.                      Simone Vincenzi.

Hello Folks!! Now I am back!

I do apologise if I keep posting less and less since the day I started this project, but now I am facing a period of changes and I had to make room for something else to come up. But I promise I’ll keep posting at least once a week.

Please don’t be upset with me… At the end of the day.. I am a good guy!! hehe

After this little digression is time for me to reveal the Emotional Release Technique I promised you at the end of the last post The Secret of Emotional Intelligence.

If you didn’t have the chance to read it I warmly invite you to click on the link above for a better understanding of Emotional Intelligence.

After all you know about emotions, thoughts, beliefs and patterns, a question could now pop in into your mind.

How can I release negative emotions?

First of all I want you to understand that there are no thing such as negative emotions. Emotions are flowing energies. How can an energy be good or bad? Every emotion is part of the perfection of our human experience and, like everything, is worth of our appreciation and love.

If you thinking…

What about all the emotions that is difficult to deal with?

You are right. There are some emotions that create in the body pleasant or unpleasant feelings. Because they have the power to trigger and release different chemicals.

Chemicals like dopamine and serotonin make us feel really good and on a high! That’s why they are called from the scientific world “Feel Good” chemicals. 

Chemicals like adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol make us feel really bad, triggering the fight or flight response in our bodies and moving the body from a state of omeostasis to a place of internal chaos. We can call them “Feel Bad” chemicals.

This means that changing the energy of emotions I can change the chemicals released in my body?

Yes baby!! You got the point! If you consciously change the energy of your emotions you are consciously changing the hormones released inside your body.

This is why emotions like Disappointment, Anger, Fear, Anxiety make us feel so bad!

Yep my dear friend!

So, how can I release Anxiety?

If you want to know how to release anxiety there are different emotional release techniques you can use, some of them very easy and other more complex or uncommon.

I found a very effective that I am using more often than others and I practice also with my clients almost every coaching session.

Your Turn

If You want to know How to release Emotional Stress, Emotional Pain, understand your Emotional Feelings, reaching a sudden space of mindfulness and peacefulness you can apply the following easy steps.

  1. Accept and Welcome the feeling. Whatever it is. The best and mostit  direct way is to focus where the feeling is manifesting and saying with loving and appreciating voice (could also be inner voice): You are Welcome in my body. Thank You for being here.
  2. Keep focusing on the feeling and feel it as if alive in your body. Assess if is still or moving, the shape, the colour, the intensity. Observe from a detached perspective.
  3. Keep welcoming the feeling in your body and ask the the feeling what is the message that is bringing out. What does this feeling want to tell you?
  4. Now keep silent, still focus on the feeling and wait for an answer.
  5. Thank the feeling for the message and take action on the tips you have received from your Shining Self.

Now keep doing it every day and it will become natural for you.

How would your life be if you were able to manage all the disappointments, fears, anxieties that are manifesting inside your body?

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!! for audioblogs, videos and motivational contents.

May You appreciate and accept your emotions!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~