Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.3

“If you don’t know what is your next step, take a moment, see what scares you the most and take a step towards that direction.”     Simone Vincenzi                                                      

Hi, Here we are again!! Thank You for keep following!

This is post is entitled Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.3 and it is the last part of a series of 3 posts about Vision, Purpose and Mission.

If you missed the previous posts I invite you to start from the beginning.

>>>>CLICK HERE for Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.1

>>>>CLICK HERE for Your Vision, Your Purpose, Your Mission Pt.2

We left ourself last time with the question:

What fear is preventing You for taking the next step?

Fear of changeFear of success?Fear of failureFear of uncertainty?

Fear exists in no other place than in your mind. Your mind has been conditioned from the early stages to look for dangers in order to protect you in your everyday life. Every changes, everything that our mind doesn’t perceive as familiar (i.e. safe) brings a certain level of uncertainty. And uncertainty brings a lack of certainty. The certainties of what you have now, of your status quo, of your self-image, of how you perceive yourself.

A change on your outside world is a change in your inside world. As soon as you embrace the fact that in order to live your purpose, in order to be happy, in order to live the life you want you need to change.

As soon as you live your changes with flexibility, an open mind and trusting the universe that what is going to come into your life is for the good of you and of humanity as a whole.

As soon you accept that change and flow is part of your everyday reality, you stop resist the flow, you stop going against the change but you align with the change, you dance with the flow.

The most important shift that must happen into your mindset is to see change as an opportunity to be lived with curiosity, not as a scaring event to be lived with resistance.

What does make you think that what is going to happen is going to be worst that what you have now in the current situation?

Who is telling you that the next step is going to be a step backwards instead of a step forward?

Let me tell you… there is no such a thing as a step backwards. You are constantly growing, constantly moving forward. Day by day. Hour by hour. Minute by minute. Moment by moment.


Stand up for what you value! Stand up for your life. Stand up for what you want and what you deserve.

Get up from the couch of your comfort zone.

Build momentum and keep moving.

Don’t you know the direction yet?

I’ll give you a tip. Find what scares you the most and move towards that direction. Let me repeat it. Find what scares you the most and move, small steps, towards that direction. Build momentum with little action steps and celebrate all your successes along the way. Build momentum so you have the energy to break through that fear when it will happen.

I am sure you can do it. The fact that you are reading this article now, is telling me you are committed to your success and to find alignment with who you really are.

I wish You a Purposeful and Successful Life!

For any question or support contact me now.

I am here to support and help you growing along your journey.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

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May You always live Your Purpose!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

What do You VALUE the most?

Values-cartoon“Our Values and Beliefs are the driving force of our life.” Tony Robbins

Hi, I wish I am finding you well and full of energy!! Following a meaningful conversation, I had yesterday with a dear friend of mine from Italy, about what moves people’s behaviours and actions I realised I didn’t post, so far, anything about Values. So I take the chance to explore deeper the subject with you with this blog post. 

I believe firmly now that our Values and our Beliefs determine the attitude we have towards life and therefore what we gain in Life.

So, What are our Values?

Our Values are the labels, the emotional state that we value the most in every area of our life. We have different emotional states, that we are constantly looking to meet or to avoid. We have made these “choices” in the early days of our growth, borrowing them from our parents, society and all that had an influence in our life.

If I ask you:

 “What is most important to you in Life?”

Everybody is going to come up with a different answer. This answer is one of the Values that are ruling his life.

 Values are single words that express a defined emotional state that we want to reach or avoid.

We have different Values for every area of our life. We have values for finances, relationships, health, leisure, etch…. and they are subconsciously driving us, conditioning our life and ultimately control our destiny. Moreover, our values, being subconscious patterns, play a mayor role on what we attract in our life.

 You definitely agree with me that:

 “What we attract in our Life is a mirror of our inner values and beliefs.”

Having awareness of the values that rule our life, is the first step on taking control of our life and understand why we make certain decision and why we act and behave the way we do.

 Awareness is always the key.

 We can divide our values into 2 different categories.


  1. Moving Towards Values
  2. Moving Away From Values

 Each category is divided into 4 different sub-groups:


  1. Mean Values
  2. End Values
  3. Idealistic Values
  4. Operational Values



 As previously said, Values are single words that express a defined emotional state.

 You agree with me that in life there are some emotional state that we want to reach and emotional state that we want to avoid. Isn’t it?


  1. Moving Towards Values: Are the Values, the emotional state that we want to feel, These pleasurable states that we value most are the ‘Moving-Toward’ values because these are the emotional states that we will do the most to attain. Some of these values are:

Love, Success, Freedom, Intimacy, Security, Adventure, Power, Passion, Comfort, Health.


  1. Moving Away From Values: Are the Values, the emotional states we do the most to avoid.

Rejection, Anger, Frustration, Loneliness, Depression, Failure, Humiliation, Guilt.

 We always have a hierarchy of Values in each area of our life and we always have, in each category, one that is most important for us.

 The awareness of our Values is the first step of living the life out of integrity and purpose you are committed to live.

 One interesting thing, that you might not know, is that conflicting values are the source of our self-sabotage. We might value success as Moving Forward Value, and we might fear rejection as Moving Away From Value. How can a person be successful if afraid of facing rejection? As soon as that person will feel rejected it will instantly sabotage himself and his success.

 Can You see how important are our Values?

 Now I just want to give You a brief introduction about the other sub-groups of your Values System.


  1. Mean Values: Family, Friends, Work, Life… These are just the surface, they are not the feelings we are looking for.
  2. End Values: These are the feelings. This is what we are looking for. They answer the questions: “What is most important to me in……?”, “How does……….makes me feel?”
  3. Idealistic Values: Are the values that we want to achieve in the future, or that are ideal for us, but not necessarily the ones that are operating now.
  4. Operational Values: The Moving Towards Values and Moving Away From Values that are operating at the moment.

What are Your values?

What is controlling the direction of your life right now?

Your Turn

I invite you now to consciously make the effort to explore your values and to make it a priority. You will understand so much about you and you’ll be able to make, consciously, the best choice in alignment with who you truly are.

In the next post I will share with you the most effective exercises to elicit your core values in every area of your life.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!!

May You always follow your passion!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~


Passion and Dream

dreams“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” 
Walt Disney 


I wish I am finding you well and happy!

Today I feel like sharing with you a little story. I found inspiring lines on internet, while researching for my coaching program          Live Your Purpose, Live Your Life.



This story is about dreams, determination, self-belief and passion. The pearl closed in the shell of the following words is invaluable and I invite you to deeply reflect about how this story relates to your own life.


“The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. She said, “Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?” I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.

“Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked. She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of kids..” “No seriously,” I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age. “I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me.

After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk non-stop I was always mesmerized listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she revealed in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.

At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, “I’m sorry I’m so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I’ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.”

As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humour every day. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it! There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”

She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose.” She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the year’s end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.

How many dreams did you give up because you became too “old” to pursue them?

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

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May You always follow your passion!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~


Your Higher Self, Your Shining Self 2

shining self “A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.”                              James Allen 


During the week a lot of positive comments about the post Your Higher Self, Your Shining Self. For this reason and for enthusiasm elicited I decided, today, to expand on the topic “The Higher Self”.

Today I want to share with You some quotation that made a big impact in my understanding about the Higher Self.

“We are spiritual being having a human experience.”

 “A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.”                              James Allen

“Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.”                                                                 Democritus 

“You don’t have a soul.  You are a Soul.  You have a body.”  ~C.S. Lewis

“Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.”                                                             ~Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

 “You are a beautiful soul hidden by the trench coat of the ego.”   ~Mike Dolan

 What are these quotes telling You? What the most important people who shaped the history of Humanity were trying to tell us?

Listen to Your own soul for the answer.

Well… ok.. Now You know Who is Your Shining Self and You might ask Yourself:

Why it is so important to reconnect with My soul.?Why cannot I not to connect with my soul?

The answer?…

This is the reason why we are hereThis is the reason why we are having this experience. Reconnect with our Shining Self and remember our mission, our purpose.

Without reconnecting with your soul, you won’t be able to access your purpose.

Your purpose is the message that Your soul carries within and is the message you are called to deliver in your human experience.

Connecting with Your Shining Self you will experience the purposeful life of joy, abundance and love you deserve. Connecting with your soul you will find the guidance you’ll need to find for the next step. Or to overcome challenges when things get tough.

Yes, because Life, sometimes, can be tough. Life, sometimes, can prove us in ways we would never imagine.

And let me tell you. I had a very “interesting” year with a lot of challenges that manifested in my life. And my question was.

How can I find the time to develop my spiritual practice in the midst of these troubles?

I have so many things I have to care about!! And there it came the answer. For me was “If you don’t do it will get worst!”. Very smartly I decided to ignore the answer. Like it was wishing me bad luck!! goof!!and You know what? Things got worst!

So my next question was..

How Can things get better now for me?

And the answer was: “Find the time to develop a spiritual practice!!”

Funny isn’t it? So this time I decided to listen to this voice.

And I’ve been pondering….

What is a spiritual practice?

Is it Yoga? Is it meditation? Is it prayer? Is it service?

What is a spiritual practice?…. I didn’t know!

And here is what I’ve understood now.. And you might want to take a note.

A spiritual practice is everything, that enhance your spirit, is everything that makes you happy, is everything that makes other people happy unconditionally. Everything can be a spiritual practice.

Eating, driving, making love, dancing, singing, volunteering, serving…..

Everything that is done with the intention of serving the highest good with joy and integrity.

This is my definition of spiritual practice.

Everything that serves the highest good with joy and integrity.

What did I gain from this?

Unfortunately any superpower or any x-ray view… although it sounded cool!!

I gained, instead, the strengths of facing the challenges that life was presenting to me , I gained the understanding of what really makes me happy and how can I make other people happy. I gained the wisdom that is bringing me to value every minute of my life. and make it meaningful.

I’m not saying I’m there. There is a long way to run. But I know that I’m on the right way. And I have strengths and the energy to run this colourful path.

This is what You can gain.

Your Turn


If You feel like you are trapped in the net of your problems, try to take a time out, to sit and enjoy yourself, to do something good for you and others. You’ll be amazed by the shift that this will make in your life.

Take NOW!! the time to connect with Your Shining Self!!

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!!

May You always be Shining!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~


Follow Your Intuition


“Listen to Your intuition. It will tell You everything You need to know.”  Anthony J. D’angelo

What is your intuition? What is the source of your intuition? Why is important to make constant contacts with your intuition? How can you touch with your intuition?

If You are craving to know the answers, You are in the right place.

Let the music begin!

Have You heard somebody else or even yourself saying: “I feel this is the right thing to do…” without even knowing why. Or “I’m not convinced by that person” and you don’t even know that person. Or again “I have the feeling that…” Have you ever had one of these experience?

If you say yes, well done! You are now aware of some of the situations when you let yourself be guided by your intuition. If You say no… I don’t believe You!! We all had, in some point in our life, made a decision because of our gut feelings, or following a voice inside our head.

What is our intuition?

Any thoughts?

Let’s see what the dictionary says about it:


  • a direct and clear experience, without the mediation of the logic, of an object or his relationships.

  • clear and focus perception of reality or presentment of future facts.

  • catch the essence of an object, thought or idea.

 What is this showing you?

We can affirm that our intuition can be considered one of the modalities that our mind uses to access information, a modality completely different from our logical-rational processes, and that complements these processes. We can attribute to our intuition every time we had a flash or a sudden idea that solved a problem we had, or made us see things into another perspective. Our intuition is directly connected to, what I call, our Shining Self.

 I’d like to share with You a true story. This is what happened to Mario Moretti Polegato. While travelling to Reno, Nevada, to promote the wines of his vineyard in a conference, Mario decided to have a walk. He got really upset by the overheating of his feet caused by the rubber sole in the shoes he was wearing. Intuitively, he took a knife and made holes in both of the rubber soles of his shoes. In this way he found a simple and effective way to let out the heat in excess in his shoes. Later, Moretti, developed his intuition in a small footwear company of his family, developing a new technology for his rubber soles. He created the first shoes that breath. “Geox, la scarpa che respira”.

 What do you think about this story? What is this story telling you?

I believe that is one of the proof of what our intuition is capable of.

And what is the source of our intuition?

I believe that the source of our intuition is the Field. Let me just talk about the field for a second. Quantum Physics has shown that there is nothing such emptiness around us. All that seems empty is, in reality, a field of energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Quantum Physics shows also that this field is a field of infinite possibilities that coexist and manifest themselves into what we perceive being our reality.

What does this mean? It means, that when we have an intuition, when we have that feeling inside us that tell us what to do or not do, who to trust or not trust, that feeling of excitement when we have a brilliant idea… all of this is because, in that moment, we are aware of what the field is communicating to us. 

Yes, the field is always communicating to us every time. Every moment we receive infinite messages from the field based on what we focus on.

Ask and You shall receive…

If we focus on solution, our being is more receptive to what the field is communicating to us, but if we focus on problems, our mind and our thoughts, create a tick cloud between us and the solutions stored in the field.

Why is so important to develop a loving relationship with our intuition, to tap into our intuition constantly in order to have access to the information that we need from the field?

So what are all the benefits you can gain from tapping into your intuition:

  • faster and clearer decision making

  • increased empathy with other people

  • greater success in all the areas of your life

  • have the right idea at the right moment

  • the peace to know you are doing the right thing

Is it enough?

How this could improve your life?

What can you miss out if you don’t try to develop a strong relationship with your intuition?

In the next articles I’m going to share with you some exercises that will help you connecting deeper with your intuition.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!!

May You always be intuitive!!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

Overcoming Challenges: The fine art of Acceptancy

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“I embrace the imperfections and celebrate them.”             Kesha

Struggles, desires, challenges, wants and needs. Sometimes, through the storms and winds of everyday’s challenges,  it seems there is no time or space to enjoy Life. It feels we are like little hamsters, trying to keep up running on our wheel of bills, responsibilities and duties.

Until last year I was running on this wheel. My thoughts were focused on how to pay my bills, how to have enough money for my basics, where I was going to get waisted on the weekend or planning a holiday in the best place to get waisted.

That thoughts and that lifestyle, even though I enjoyed it, don’t resonate with me any more. I’m now looking for something else, I’m now looking for a deeper meaning behind my actions and outcomes.

So, one sunny day of July 2011, motivated by the insightful and eye-opening Experience Week in the spiritual community of Findhorn in Scotland, the spiritual teachers and motivators I was listening to, I choose to change. I choose to take responsibility of my Life. I choose to identify my purpose and do the best I could do to live with integrity and do my part in the world. I choose to make the first step and allow the abundance I deserved to come into my Life.

From that moment, the moment I took that decision, my Life unfolded in ways I would never expected….

I’ve been given more challenges than before, more deep dark moments, more situations in which I didn’t now how I was going to make it. But it wasn’t all. Alongside with challenges I’ve been given all the help and the support to mature, grow and overcome them. I’ve been meeting loving people who became the friends that never hesitated to help me when I was in need and to celebrate joyful and happy moments. I’ve been given all the opportunities I was looking for in the field I’m working and I’ve been given the wisdom to follow through every tough moment.

…well… Have You ever found Yourself asking the question “Why me?” “Why do I have to through all this crap?”

You bet it!!! And it wasn’t long time ago since the last time. Have You ever experienced these moments where everything seems to go wrong? where health, finances and emotional balance seems to say goodbye, take a flight and go in holiday in the Canary Islands? It was one night, stuck in my bad with a terrible headache, I decided to listen to one of the conference call from the online seminar, Healing with the Masters, hosted by Jennifer McLean, interviewing the spiritual teacher Panache Desai.

It was the first time for me to hear his Truths. His words resonate within me immediately and his message, so clear and straight to the point, like an arrow, brake through my heart.

… and what was his message?

His message was very simple and comforting. I broke it down for You in little steps.



I’ve heard these concepts before, but now I was ready to really listen and learn.

And if You are here, it means You are now ready. If You are here it means that You want something more from Life and that You want to give more.

Well, I’m not saying this is easy to do, and I’m not saying that the pain of some experiences is easy to overcome. And it is fine to experience that pain, it is fine to experience that sorrow, it is fine to experience that frustration. There is nothing wrong with all of that. It is part of our human experience, it is part of our beauty. But we don’t want to stay stuck in this cycle. We want to acknowledge them just as they are: feelings. When we experience this new realm of reality, when we are willing to surrender to our experience, embrace it and learn from it, we are then ready to be thankful to what happened to us and to move on, grown and stronger than before.

….and what happens next?… what happens after I embrace my feelings and my experience?

I cannot tell You what will happen to You, that will be Your reality and part of Your own path. But I can share with You what happened to me. As soon as I stepped in this process, something amazing started to manifest. My body started healing immediately, I received a phone call who sorted out my financial situation and amazing opportunities opened up for the near future. It seems like somebody was just waiting for me to make this step. It seems like somebody listened to my call. I cannot express the feeling of gratitude I have now in my chest. I’m now certain that no matter what, everything is going to be fine, because, no matter what everything is fine in every moment.

Your turn:

If You are now facing a tough period in one area of Your Life, I’d love to share with You these steps that helped Me to detach, embrace, assess and brake through. I hope this will be useful also for You.

  1.  Take a breath. A very long deep breath.
  2. Focus Your attention on Your hearth, feel Your Heart, feel that sacred space, where no worries or problems are allowed, that place where You are an infinite field of possibilities, that place that is the realm of Love.
  3. Now say to Yourself, like talking to a little child, that everything is perfect as it is. That You are perfect as You are. That there is nothing to be worried about. That everything is fine. Ensure Yourself like You were the most important person in the world.
  4. Now ask Yourself the following questions and write down the first thing that comes into your mind. Don’t judge it, even if it seems it has no sense. Remember, there is no thing that is meaningless.
  5. What is in this experience for me? What can I learn?
  6. What is in this experience for Us? What can We learn?
  7. Knowing what I know now, what can i do different next time?
  8. Knowing what I know now, what can I say to myself next time I’m going to live this experience?
  9. And now be thankful to yourself, be thankful to your experience and be thankful to your emotions.
  10. You are now ready to move, stronger than before, wiser than before, and more focused than before. You now know what to do. Don’t wait more. Do it! and enjoy the gift of Life.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!!

May You always embrace the perfection of Your reality!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~



ISBA. How to develop an Entrepreneurial mind

entrepreneurial mind“Try not to be a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” A. Einstein

Following the highly inspirational day with Sabian Muhammad from Enterprise Lab,  talking at the 80 Young People now participating at the NCS programme, I’ve been moved to share with You this article about How to develop an entrepreneurial mind.

(Click on the mind map for the enlarged picture)

What do all great entrepreneurs have in common?

What do Tony Robbins, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Sir Ken Robinson have in common? and What strategy do they use? If I started the day with these questions, surely after Seiban talk I came back with all the answers. Great Entrepreneurs have a set of procedures that, consciously or unconsciously are following all the time. A set of procedure that make the Entrepreneurial Mind. A Great Entrepreneur is Inspired: entrepreneurs are moved from a vision, a vision that comes from creating a solution to people’s challenges and needs. A vision in constant expansion, a global scale vision. They understand people’s needs and challenges and use their creativity, skills and talents to create the World they would Love to leave to their future generations. Great Entrepreneurs have a strong belief in themselves, their vision and their capabilities; a belief telling them that Everything is Possible, that failure is just another learning opportunity that will allow them to improve.

“I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”                    T. Edison

mmm… interesting.. and so, what is the strategy that Great Entrepreneurs use to have such a big impact on people’s life?

Wise question! I’ve been introduced to this model by Seiban. And this is the model that every entrepreneur has to bear in mind every time the “creative bulb” starts lightening. The Model is called ISBA. ISBA stands for, Issue, Solutions, Barriers, Actions.

ISBA…. well… and How can I practically use ISBA?

Hold on!! ahaha!! I see awakening the Entrepreneur within You!!

Now I’m going to briefly talk through each section, spotting the key points of each step.

1. Issue

The first step is to identify the Issue, the problem that You want to solve. Ask Yourself these questions:

  • What is that You really care about?
  • What do You Love in Life?
  • What do You really care about?
  • What is the main change You would like to see in Your community, society, World?
  • If You were to see Yourself 70 Years from now, What would You like people to remember You for? What impact have You left in Your society?
  • What is that moves You and excite You to the point to dedicate Your Life to It?

dig deeper… This is part of Your Life Purpose.

For Example, My Purpose is to support children, youths and adults connecting with themselves, find the Purpose they have lost, creating the Happy Life they deserve to Live.

Answer those questions and then move to step 2.

2. Solutions

  • After having identified what challenge You want to see solved, that moves You to the point where You see is Your mission in Life to solve it, it is time to brainstorm all the possible solutions. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers at this stage, just ideas. The Ideas will flow and tap into Your creative self. Everything is possible if You believe so.

Answer now the following questions:

  • What can You do to solve this challenge?
  • What else can You do? (ask this one several times until You feel exhausted!)
  • What have other people, who faced the same challenge, done in the past? What can You take from Their experience?
  • If You have all the resources (money, time, support) You need, what would You do?
  • What would Your role model do to solve the challenge?

Move now to step 3.


In this phase You are going to take a deep look into what is really stopping You achieving it. The internal and external obstacles You have found, You find and You might find. The resources that You need and the support that is missing. What You really need also in terms of Knowledge and skills.

Ask Yourself:

  • What obstacles might come up on the way?
  • What obstacles I’m facing now?
  • What do I need that I don’t have? (support, knowledge, skills..)

and now, after a detailed look You can move to the last phase.


Now You have the opportunity to plan the tasks to overcome every obstacle and eventually create the reality You were aiming for. It doesn’t have to be a massive action, but a small, daily improvement will lead You beyond Your best expectations. Also You might want to think How You are going to move through, Who is going to do those or support You, and When You are going to do those.

Remember: “A Goal is a dream with a date.”

Now it is time for questions!!

  • What are You committed to do to overcome every obstacle?
  • What sets of actions will build Your action plan?
  • What are the actions that will bring You the biggest expected results?
  •  How are You going to do each of those actions?
  • Who is going to do those actions or support You?
  • When are You committed to do those?

WWow!!! This is Mindblowing!!!! BOOOMM!!! I love it!!

A special Thanks to Enterprise Lab to be so inspiring and for sharing this valuable tool!

I decided to attach to each post a mind map, so, if You don’t want to read it entirely, You’ll have the chance to know the key point of every post!

What do You think about it?

I’m looking forward Your feedbacks!!

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

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May You always be ISBA!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

How to Trigger a “Rock n Roll Star” State

“It is not who you are that holds you back, is who you think you are not” Hanoch McCartney.

Following “The TEAD Principle of Self Management” in Today’s post I’ll share with You one of the main tools to change Your state.

Anthony Robbins said: “There are no unresourceful people, just unresourceful states”. 

What does it mean?

It means that You have always, at all time, the resources within You to face every situation in the best way You can. Can You remember a moment where You acted under Your standards? A moment where You feeling down and even brushing Your teeth seemed an harsh? Can You remember a moment, on the other hand, were You had a great idea? Or a moment that You were You did something that You thought was impossible for You? What was the difference? It wasn’t another person!!! It was the state You were in that affected Your performances.

…mmm… If state affect performances, what does affect our state?

Great question!! It is the quality of Our Emotions that effect our State. Our state is the direct result of the Emotion we are feeling in every given moment. Managing Our emotions, we can affect our state and then managing our Life. I’ll tell You more about emotions in the following posts because this is a huge topic by himself! Is it Ok?

Ok!!! I’m really curious about it!! And then, If Emotions change the State I’m in and the State I’m in affect my Life, How can I change my Emotions and my State?

Ahhh…. Getting curious eh?Very Good question! There different tools and ways to change our Emotional State. Some of them come from ancient spiritual practices while others come from modern technologies and psychologies.

I’m going to share with You what I found most useful and effective for myself after years of experience. I’ve learned most of the process from Anthony Robbins. In his 4 days seminar Unleash the Power from Within, he condition the audience to achieve a peak state through all the first day.

I’m going now to brake down this model for You, so You can have immediate results in changing Your Emotional State.

Are You ready??



First of all You must be aware of the state You are in. Remember, You are not Your State! You can decide to associate with it if it is a positive and empowering state or dissociate if it is a negative state. If You say “I’m depressed”, You are associating Your Identity with a feeling that is not You, and You start believing that is true. If You, on the other hand say: “I feel down”, You are acknowledging  that this is just how You feel. Feel Your feelings in that moment and be aware of what is the message behind that feeling. Once You have the awareness You can, then, create the change towards the State You desire.


Emotion means “Energy in Motion”. An emotion is energy stored in Your body. The body, when moving, changes his energy and changing the energy of the body You can change the energy of the emotions. Moving Your body, change Your breathing, breath deeply, look up and stand up straight. These are all changes that You can make in second. Or even better, go for a run or for a light physical activity. Light Physical activity is the best way release a stream of serotonin in our body.


Energy flows where the focus goes. When You focus on the negative You constantly attracting more negative thoughts and negative experiences. You are directing Your energy towards that direction and You are telling Your subconscious that You want to experience more of that feeling. If You, instead, focus on what is good, positive, on what You are grateful for, You telling Your subconscious to search for it, and as end result it will attract more positive experiences. Think about an happy moment, a moment of deep spiritual connection, a loving moment… How You feel?


“Every word You Speak and Every thought You think create Your reality” Louise Hay. How we speak and what we speak is one of the way we communicate with our subconscious mind. And, the first person we always communicate with first is ourself. Through our language and our thoughts we are the creator of our own Unique experience. Negative and disempowering language can affect our Life in the direction we don’t want to go. Positive and empowering language drives us in the direction we want.

Your Turn

  • What is a negative emotion You are feeling in this period of Your life?
  • Change Your Posture now, change the way You breath, Look up!!
  • Now think about an empowering moment, a successful moment, a joyful moment, a sexy moment!!
  • Now what can You tell to Yourself that will lead You in the direction You want to go?


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May Your state be always Rock n Roll!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

The TEAD principle of self management.

“What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?” Eleanor Roosvelt

Do You know what is the difference between a confident person and a person who doesn’t even look up? What is the difference between achievers and followers? What is the difference between an happy person and a sad one?

mmmm.. no.. I don’t know… maybe their attitude?

Good guess!! And what is behind the attitude of a person? Behind the attitude of a person lies the way his able to manage his state. Quoting the personal development guru Anthony Robbins “There are no unresourceful people, just unresourceful states”. Have You ever experienced a moment of light bulb? or when You were performing above Your usual standards? I’m sure You did! And this is not because You changed the skin You were in, but because You changed Your internal state, tapping into Your Resourceful Self.

So…. You are telling me that every result I can achieve depends by the State I’m in…

Bunga!!!! I’m a great believer of the TEAD theory. TEAD stands for: Thoughts, Emotions, Actions, Direction. It is an ever ending cycle.

What we think determine the way we feel; our feelings determine our performances; our performances determine our Life.


It has been estimated that we have 70.000 thoughts per day. (I don’t know who decided to count them!! :))  70% of these thoughts are almost the same, like a tape on repeat. Has been shown that, generally, these 70% of thoughts are negative and disempowering. Can You see now how much impact can thoughts have in our Life? How can we live an happy and successful life if what we thing most of the time comes from our worries and problems?  Each of our thoughts has a measurable electromagnetic field and can influence the whole chemistries of our body, blood pressure, hormones and the one of the people around us. Also, our thoughts, when repeated, create strong neurological patterns that creates our habits. Sometimes we are so use to that repeating tape that we are not even aware of it. Being aware of our thoughts is the first step that we can take towards changing the limiting patterns.


Every thought we experience, interact with the energetic field of our body, linking to our past experiences. Every thought. as said before, create changes in the chemistry of the body, changing the emotional state we are in. So what are emotions? Emotions can be described as “Energy in Motion”. Emotions are changes in our energetic field and are influenced by the patterns of thoughts and biochemicals released in our body. Everything we think create and generate a different emotions. Some of them can create a positive change in our field, releasing “happy hormones” like serotonin and dopamine, while others can trigger stress hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. In conclusion If we think positive thoughts, we are going to trigger positive emotions.


Our emotions have the power to change the state we are in. State can be defined as the mental and physical attitude we have in every given situation. In which state can our action be more successful? Easy to guess!! More we are in a joyous and happy state, more resourceful we are. More we stay in a negative or depression state, less power we have. In conclusion we can say that the state we are in determine the performance of our daily actions.


“Show me the actions of a man and I’ll tell You his destiny”. Every action (or inaction) is a step towards one direction. Our actions and performances determine our Life direction and ultimately Our Destiny. This is why our life a reflection of our daily actions. Having in mind what is the direction we want our Life to take, we can plan our actions accordingly.

Wow!! All this is uber fascinating!! But How can I change my state?

Ahahah!!! I’m glad You enjoyed it!! And You are really curious!! So don’t miss out my next post “How to trigger a “rock n’ roll star” state”.

Your Turn

  • Now close Your eyes, and take 3 deep breath… That’s good. Think about something negative, experience it, hear it, feel it. What do You notice? What changes happens in Your body?What changes happens in Your body? Your breath? Your posture? Your voice? Your inner voice?
  • Now shake Yourself a bit. Jump or walk around.
  • Close again Your eyes and think about something SEXY or JUCY that You Love. Think About something that makes You really HAPPY! What do You notice?

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May Your state be always Happy!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

What is NLP?

“NLP is the science of modelling the patterns of human behaviour.”

What is NLP? and Why  everybody is talking about it?

In this article You’ll find the answers to these 2 questions.

NLP, and his intriguing concepts made me take the first steps in my personal development journey that led me to become a Life Coach.

The art of success. The art of achievement…

Who doesn’t want to be successful in Life? Who doesn’t want to achieve?

NLP tells You what is the difference between Your success or Your struggles. It tells You what is the difference that make the difference between You living the life You dream and being lived from somebody else’s plans.

Today I want to share this article gently offered by NLP University.

Click here for the article!

I hope You’ll enjoy as much as I did!!

Your Turn

  • What do You know about NLP?
  • What can You tell us about Your experience with NLP?
  • What is the most NLP tool for You?

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

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May Your Life be uber successful!!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~