Your Patterns rule your Life

“Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character. ” Steven Covey

Hi!! I hope You all had a wonderful Christmas time, and that you were able to spend it with the people you love the most! I had an amazing time too and I’m convinced that this year has been the most meaningful I have ever had.

Following the reflection on the last days, I decided that the topic of this post will be LIFE PATTERNS.

What are Life Patterns?

First of all I’d love to share with you the etymology and the dictionary definition of the word pattern, to better link it with what our life pattern are.

PATTERN: from the Latin PATRON: a model to be imitated.

PATTERN:a combination of qualities, acts, tendencies, etc., forming a consistent or characteristic arrangement: the behaviour patterns of teenagers.

What can we see reading these definitions? What really is a pattern?

A pattern is a model, a model that repeats or can be repeated over and over again.

Well… and what is the link between our patterns and our behaviour?

Well questioned!! What is behaviour? Behaviour is a series of actions, feelings and thoughts that, repeated over and over again, become part of our identity and the way we perceive ourself or others. A behaviour is just a series of patterns. First of all we need to understand how our mind works.

Tony Buzan, leading expert in the field of discovering human potential, offers an excellent analogy describing the working modalities of our mind. “Think at the brain’s capacity as a huge neural jungle. A jungle with billions and billions of potential connection and neural networks. Imagine the first person who attempts to run through the jungle; it is thick and they battle through. When the next person comes along in the same area, they will see a slight path trodden by the first person. After a dozen or so people have gone through, there is a clear flattened pathway and anyone coming to the jungle, will automatically use the path rather than go into the undergrowth. So, the one single pathway gets ever easier and an automatic choice.

Think about your patterns in the same way. Once you learn to think and respond in the same way, this way of behaving becomes increasingly automatic.

….I don’t get what you are trying to say… I got what patterns are… but what is the link between our patterns and our life?

Hey!!! Hold on!! I’m getting there!!

Now that you know that our patterns are what condition our behaviour and our perception of the world, leading our thinking process, we can use the same analogy to think about our life.

Think about your life as a series of repeating patterns. We, subconsciously, have a series of embedded patterns that we learned from our parents and society in our early childhood, which we are mostly not aware of.

Think about your life for a moment…

It never happen to you to say: “Oh… Not again…” and it seems you have had this experience before? Or: “Yes!! I’m always lucky when talking about..!!”…. etch…

Think about yourself financially, in relationships, with friends, in business…

What cyclical patterns can you see? What experiences, people and behaviours seems repeating in your life?

For example, I have a very strong self sabotaging pattern when talking about finances, and it seems it is “impossible” and difficult for me to save money. I am compelled to invest or spend what I have. I am now working on it, but before I wasn’t aware of it and I always ended up, for different reasons, being broke. But I have another pattern that set myself financially at at least, 1000£. So it always happen that I find a way and opportunities to back myself up.

I’m telling my story because I wish you can understand your patterns and, if they are not serving you or sabotaging you, you will do something about it. Awareness is the key of change.

…Wow… this is a complete new way of seeing life… I don’t believe it. Who is telling me you are right?

Well pointed. I’m not asking you to believe me. This is what makes sense to me, and this is what I believe. Just you can know the answer. Dig deeper within yourself and see if what I’m telling resonates with you.

Before I go I want to share with you what is the real impact of these patterns in your life and why you want to work on your patterns.

Life patterns are embedded in our subconscious mind and collective mind. Like everything in the Universe, they are a series of vibrating frequencies that attract the same energy and the same frequencies.

What does it mean? It means that if you are not aware of your patterns and you don’t work on them, you’ll keep attracting the same situations and manifesting the same reality in your life, however you like it or not.

If you need support working in depth and analyse your life patterns, contact me or send me a private message and I’ll be honoured to share with you the process I use, that so far, made a massive impact in my life, in particular in the area of relationships.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

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May You live always in awareness.

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

Your Inner Child

inner childLook inside, you’ll find a deeper love, the kind that only comes from high above. If you’ll ever meet you inner child, don’t cry, no, no. Tell him everything is gonna be alright. Bob Sinclar

Today’s post is entitled Your Inner Child and We are going to tap into Who is Your inner child, why is important to make constant contacts with your inner child, how to get in touch with your inner child and finally, I’m going to give you more references if you feel attracted by the topic.

Are You ready? Great!!! Let’s start then!!

You are maybe asking Yourself now,

Who is my inner child?

Your Inner child is the emotional side of you,  that part of you that, like a child, needs love. That part of you that needs to be embraced.  That part of you that needs to be nurtured. That part of you that needs you fully.

What do you mean?

When we grow up it seems we forget or we feel ashamed to love ourselves.

Look at a little baby, he loves and explore every inches of his body, with curiosity and a sense of wonder. A little baby is perfect to his eyes. Everybody wants to stay around them. And they bring happiness and joy everywhere they go. But somewhere along the way, we lost that magic, we lost that wonder, we lost that love for ourselves.

What happened then?

We started buying in what other people told us we had to be or not, in what other people told us we were capable of or not, and we started forgetting and denying our original beauty.

It was painful for us to shine because of the judgements of other people. It was painful for us to show fully our beauty because of the reactions of other people. And we decided that was safer to accommodate others needs, and reflect others expectations. That was the moment where we decided to close, into a remote room, our Inner Child.

It was all conditioned by our past experiences.

And now…Why is important to open that room? Why is important to nurture our Inner Child again?

The answer is simple. Take a moment and look around you, how many people complain about themselves? How many people don’t like themselves? How many people don’t love themselves? How many people find always something wrong in themselves?

Working with clients and meeting people around the world I’ve been often asking the question: tell me 3 thing you LOVE about yourself. You know what the most common answer I received has been? I DON’T KNOW.

And You know what disconcert the most? The 80% of Young people told me that they didn’t like nothing about themselves. What is this telling you?

How is it possible that with all the beautiful qualities, gifts, skills and resources that we have, is difficult to be aware of these and to find what we Love about ourselves?

Well… How can I get back now? How can I re-learn to appreciate and love Myself?

We can heal ourself through our emotions. Our emotions are an amazing tool for healing.

How does it work?

It is very easy. I’ll show you now. Think now about something You love, something that makes you happy, something that you really care about? What do you feel? What do you experience inside your body? Some people feel a sense of relaxation, some others feel a tingling sensation around the heart… there is no right or wrong feeling. everybody has is own feelings.Now focus that feeling towards yourself, and go in front of a mirror. Direct those feelings towards yourself while saying, “I love You and accept You as You are.” Now, Find a mirror and do it now. Say three times, I love you and accept you as you are, I love you and accept you as you are. I love you and accept you as you are.

Because the reality is that you are perfect as you are. that there is nothing to change in you. that there is nothing to change in your reality and what you are experiencing. That everything is perfect as it is. And you have a right to be loved, and you have a right to receive. Embrace fully who you are, and what you are experiencing. this is part of your meaning, this is part of your mission and you are here for a reason.

If You want to know more and have a deeper understanding on how to communicate with your Inner Child You can look into Luise Hay and her work. She is a healer and a metaphysical teacher. One of the authorities in the self-help industry. she has more than 30 years of experience in the field. One programme that really inspired me and had a great impact on my life is called You can Heal Your Life.

Now I want to leave You with the wish that Your  Love for Yourself will grow minute after minute. And that you’ll be able to experience all the Joy and the real Happiness that just loving yourself can give You.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

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May You always Love Your Inner Child!!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~


Follow Your Intuition


“Listen to Your intuition. It will tell You everything You need to know.”  Anthony J. D’angelo

What is your intuition? What is the source of your intuition? Why is important to make constant contacts with your intuition? How can you touch with your intuition?

If You are craving to know the answers, You are in the right place.

Let the music begin!

Have You heard somebody else or even yourself saying: “I feel this is the right thing to do…” without even knowing why. Or “I’m not convinced by that person” and you don’t even know that person. Or again “I have the feeling that…” Have you ever had one of these experience?

If you say yes, well done! You are now aware of some of the situations when you let yourself be guided by your intuition. If You say no… I don’t believe You!! We all had, in some point in our life, made a decision because of our gut feelings, or following a voice inside our head.

What is our intuition?

Any thoughts?

Let’s see what the dictionary says about it:


  • a direct and clear experience, without the mediation of the logic, of an object or his relationships.

  • clear and focus perception of reality or presentment of future facts.

  • catch the essence of an object, thought or idea.

 What is this showing you?

We can affirm that our intuition can be considered one of the modalities that our mind uses to access information, a modality completely different from our logical-rational processes, and that complements these processes. We can attribute to our intuition every time we had a flash or a sudden idea that solved a problem we had, or made us see things into another perspective. Our intuition is directly connected to, what I call, our Shining Self.

 I’d like to share with You a true story. This is what happened to Mario Moretti Polegato. While travelling to Reno, Nevada, to promote the wines of his vineyard in a conference, Mario decided to have a walk. He got really upset by the overheating of his feet caused by the rubber sole in the shoes he was wearing. Intuitively, he took a knife and made holes in both of the rubber soles of his shoes. In this way he found a simple and effective way to let out the heat in excess in his shoes. Later, Moretti, developed his intuition in a small footwear company of his family, developing a new technology for his rubber soles. He created the first shoes that breath. “Geox, la scarpa che respira”.

 What do you think about this story? What is this story telling you?

I believe that is one of the proof of what our intuition is capable of.

And what is the source of our intuition?

I believe that the source of our intuition is the Field. Let me just talk about the field for a second. Quantum Physics has shown that there is nothing such emptiness around us. All that seems empty is, in reality, a field of energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Quantum Physics shows also that this field is a field of infinite possibilities that coexist and manifest themselves into what we perceive being our reality.

What does this mean? It means, that when we have an intuition, when we have that feeling inside us that tell us what to do or not do, who to trust or not trust, that feeling of excitement when we have a brilliant idea… all of this is because, in that moment, we are aware of what the field is communicating to us. 

Yes, the field is always communicating to us every time. Every moment we receive infinite messages from the field based on what we focus on.

Ask and You shall receive…

If we focus on solution, our being is more receptive to what the field is communicating to us, but if we focus on problems, our mind and our thoughts, create a tick cloud between us and the solutions stored in the field.

Why is so important to develop a loving relationship with our intuition, to tap into our intuition constantly in order to have access to the information that we need from the field?

So what are all the benefits you can gain from tapping into your intuition:

  • faster and clearer decision making

  • increased empathy with other people

  • greater success in all the areas of your life

  • have the right idea at the right moment

  • the peace to know you are doing the right thing

Is it enough?

How this could improve your life?

What can you miss out if you don’t try to develop a strong relationship with your intuition?

In the next articles I’m going to share with you some exercises that will help you connecting deeper with your intuition.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!!

May You always be intuitive!!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

A great post from my dear friend Dan! Worth to read and full of positive frequencies!

Finding Purpose and Joy


The Mayan calendar ends today, giving many who live in fear, a “story” for the end of the world.  It seems that we are, unfortunately, so tied and addicted to fear that we’ll use almost anything to predict disaster and tragedy, including the last day of our planet.  I’d like to use today to do just the opposite.  I’d like to predict that the end of the world, as we know it, will only happen once we all abandon fear and “false images” appearing real.  It will end in Glory, not disaster, and in Love, not fear.

It’s been said that the “world” is actually a vision of our cumulative, made-up dream(s).  It isn’t even real, it’s just a figment of our imaginations running wild.  Our true purpose is to be conscious and aware, yet we live unconsciously, and in a dream state.  If we’re living a dream, why make…

View original post 546 more words

Beliefs: a simple definition

beliefs“Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their life and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their life.”  Anthony Robbins

Have You ever met a person that behaves in a different way than You? Have You ever met a person that seems to act as if everything was possible? And have you ever met a person who lived their life playing small, stuck in his own daily routine and never thriving for more? What is the difference between those people? What is that make a person achieve what for other people seems impossible?

Henry Ford answered this question in a very simplistic but profound way saying that: “Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you are right”.


Starting from these powerful quotes from Anthony Robbins and Henry Ford we can start to understand the impact and the role that our beliefs play in our lives. But before getting deeper into details is necessary to have a foundation about what they are and how they develop.

What is a belief?

The dictionary definition says a belief is: “A principle accepted as true or real without a proof . An opinion, a conviction”. 

Anthony Robbins define a belief as “A feeling of certainty that shapes the direction of our life.”

Beliefs are the thoughts and ideas that are no longer questioned. They have the power to create or destroy, because every thoughts, expectation and action is a direct result of such beliefs, and they shape the direction of our life.

Beliefs are the lens, the filter through what we see our and other people’s life. They decide the meaning we give to our experiences.

Where do our beliefs come from?

They come from other people like parents, teachers, peer group, friends, family, media, religion and society. From anyone who had or is still having an influence over us.

They are mainly formed subconsciously during childhood and adolescence.


When we are children our brain is like a little sponge and our experiences are what the sponge take in. This sponge doesn’t have the capability to distinguish what is good or not for us, what is positive and negative. It takes everything in, growing and growing.

Sometimes the message we receive from the outer world, from our experiences, are not always empowering  and encouraging, and maybe once we learned that we were clumsy, stupid, not good enough, not beautiful etch…. and in that moment, we made the decision, perhaps, that it is not safe to speak up, that we don’t deserve an amazing life, that we cannot do certain things because we are limited. We kept buying into our limitations repetitively, and that behaviour became so integrated into ourself that it became automatic, and we lost the awareness of it, accepting it as normal and setting it as our personal standard. Forgetting our reality, forgetting that the decision we made was based on somebody else’s belief about us.

Wow… so Who I am now and what I believe about myself has been shaped through years by other people…

Yes, and this is how we form our sense of identity. Our identity is just a set of beliefs we borrowed from other people. And I’m not saying that this has been always negative for us. Also the positive things we believe about ourself come from the same process. But behavioural scientists and child psychologist generally accept that children, under the age of five, receive ten or more negative phrases from their parents for every single positive one.

mmm… does it mean there is nothing I can do about it?

It is exactly the opposite! We have a lot of different tools that used all together can create everlasting results and positive changes in our life. In the following posts I’m going to share with You what I found most effective after several years of experiences.

Your Turn

When talking about beliefs, the most important thing we can do at the beginning is to be aware of them, without judgement. A belief is a thought that we repeat over and over again and that has an high emotional intensity.

One way to spot our negative beliefs is to have little notebook with us through the day and, whenever we catch ourself thinking a thought, write it down. In this way we create our Thoughts Journal.

Make the commitment for the next 3 days to write down all your thoughts you become aware of. If it is difficult to remember the task, write a note or set a reminder on your phone with the question: “What am I thinking now?”

You’ll be amazed by the result. And that will be the starting point to embrace your current limiting beliefs and change them with empowering ones!

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!!

May You always believe in Yourself!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

Overcoming Challenges: The fine art of Acceptancy

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“I embrace the imperfections and celebrate them.”             Kesha

Struggles, desires, challenges, wants and needs. Sometimes, through the storms and winds of everyday’s challenges,  it seems there is no time or space to enjoy Life. It feels we are like little hamsters, trying to keep up running on our wheel of bills, responsibilities and duties.

Until last year I was running on this wheel. My thoughts were focused on how to pay my bills, how to have enough money for my basics, where I was going to get waisted on the weekend or planning a holiday in the best place to get waisted.

That thoughts and that lifestyle, even though I enjoyed it, don’t resonate with me any more. I’m now looking for something else, I’m now looking for a deeper meaning behind my actions and outcomes.

So, one sunny day of July 2011, motivated by the insightful and eye-opening Experience Week in the spiritual community of Findhorn in Scotland, the spiritual teachers and motivators I was listening to, I choose to change. I choose to take responsibility of my Life. I choose to identify my purpose and do the best I could do to live with integrity and do my part in the world. I choose to make the first step and allow the abundance I deserved to come into my Life.

From that moment, the moment I took that decision, my Life unfolded in ways I would never expected….

I’ve been given more challenges than before, more deep dark moments, more situations in which I didn’t now how I was going to make it. But it wasn’t all. Alongside with challenges I’ve been given all the help and the support to mature, grow and overcome them. I’ve been meeting loving people who became the friends that never hesitated to help me when I was in need and to celebrate joyful and happy moments. I’ve been given all the opportunities I was looking for in the field I’m working and I’ve been given the wisdom to follow through every tough moment.

…well… Have You ever found Yourself asking the question “Why me?” “Why do I have to through all this crap?”

You bet it!!! And it wasn’t long time ago since the last time. Have You ever experienced these moments where everything seems to go wrong? where health, finances and emotional balance seems to say goodbye, take a flight and go in holiday in the Canary Islands? It was one night, stuck in my bad with a terrible headache, I decided to listen to one of the conference call from the online seminar, Healing with the Masters, hosted by Jennifer McLean, interviewing the spiritual teacher Panache Desai.

It was the first time for me to hear his Truths. His words resonate within me immediately and his message, so clear and straight to the point, like an arrow, brake through my heart.

… and what was his message?

His message was very simple and comforting. I broke it down for You in little steps.



I’ve heard these concepts before, but now I was ready to really listen and learn.

And if You are here, it means You are now ready. If You are here it means that You want something more from Life and that You want to give more.

Well, I’m not saying this is easy to do, and I’m not saying that the pain of some experiences is easy to overcome. And it is fine to experience that pain, it is fine to experience that sorrow, it is fine to experience that frustration. There is nothing wrong with all of that. It is part of our human experience, it is part of our beauty. But we don’t want to stay stuck in this cycle. We want to acknowledge them just as they are: feelings. When we experience this new realm of reality, when we are willing to surrender to our experience, embrace it and learn from it, we are then ready to be thankful to what happened to us and to move on, grown and stronger than before.

….and what happens next?… what happens after I embrace my feelings and my experience?

I cannot tell You what will happen to You, that will be Your reality and part of Your own path. But I can share with You what happened to me. As soon as I stepped in this process, something amazing started to manifest. My body started healing immediately, I received a phone call who sorted out my financial situation and amazing opportunities opened up for the near future. It seems like somebody was just waiting for me to make this step. It seems like somebody listened to my call. I cannot express the feeling of gratitude I have now in my chest. I’m now certain that no matter what, everything is going to be fine, because, no matter what everything is fine in every moment.

Your turn:

If You are now facing a tough period in one area of Your Life, I’d love to share with You these steps that helped Me to detach, embrace, assess and brake through. I hope this will be useful also for You.

  1.  Take a breath. A very long deep breath.
  2. Focus Your attention on Your hearth, feel Your Heart, feel that sacred space, where no worries or problems are allowed, that place where You are an infinite field of possibilities, that place that is the realm of Love.
  3. Now say to Yourself, like talking to a little child, that everything is perfect as it is. That You are perfect as You are. That there is nothing to be worried about. That everything is fine. Ensure Yourself like You were the most important person in the world.
  4. Now ask Yourself the following questions and write down the first thing that comes into your mind. Don’t judge it, even if it seems it has no sense. Remember, there is no thing that is meaningless.
  5. What is in this experience for me? What can I learn?
  6. What is in this experience for Us? What can We learn?
  7. Knowing what I know now, what can i do different next time?
  8. Knowing what I know now, what can I say to myself next time I’m going to live this experience?
  9. And now be thankful to yourself, be thankful to your experience and be thankful to your emotions.
  10. You are now ready to move, stronger than before, wiser than before, and more focused than before. You now know what to do. Don’t wait more. Do it! and enjoy the gift of Life.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

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May You always embrace the perfection of Your reality!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~