The TEAD principle of self management.

“What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?” Eleanor Roosvelt

Do You know what is the difference between a confident person and a person who doesn’t even look up? What is the difference between achievers and followers? What is the difference between an happy person and a sad one?

mmmm.. no.. I don’t know… maybe their attitude?

Good guess!! And what is behind the attitude of a person? Behind the attitude of a person lies the way his able to manage his state. Quoting the personal development guru Anthony Robbins “There are no unresourceful people, just unresourceful states”. Have You ever experienced a moment of light bulb? or when You were performing above Your usual standards? I’m sure You did! And this is not because You changed the skin You were in, but because You changed Your internal state, tapping into Your Resourceful Self.

So…. You are telling me that every result I can achieve depends by the State I’m in…

Bunga!!!! I’m a great believer of the TEAD theory. TEAD stands for: Thoughts, Emotions, Actions, Direction. It is an ever ending cycle.

What we think determine the way we feel; our feelings determine our performances; our performances determine our Life.


It has been estimated that we have 70.000 thoughts per day. (I don’t know who decided to count them!! :))  70% of these thoughts are almost the same, like a tape on repeat. Has been shown that, generally, these 70% of thoughts are negative and disempowering. Can You see now how much impact can thoughts have in our Life? How can we live an happy and successful life if what we thing most of the time comes from our worries and problems?  Each of our thoughts has a measurable electromagnetic field and can influence the whole chemistries of our body, blood pressure, hormones and the one of the people around us. Also, our thoughts, when repeated, create strong neurological patterns that creates our habits. Sometimes we are so use to that repeating tape that we are not even aware of it. Being aware of our thoughts is the first step that we can take towards changing the limiting patterns.


Every thought we experience, interact with the energetic field of our body, linking to our past experiences. Every thought. as said before, create changes in the chemistry of the body, changing the emotional state we are in. So what are emotions? Emotions can be described as “Energy in Motion”. Emotions are changes in our energetic field and are influenced by the patterns of thoughts and biochemicals released in our body. Everything we think create and generate a different emotions. Some of them can create a positive change in our field, releasing “happy hormones” like serotonin and dopamine, while others can trigger stress hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. In conclusion If we think positive thoughts, we are going to trigger positive emotions.


Our emotions have the power to change the state we are in. State can be defined as the mental and physical attitude we have in every given situation. In which state can our action be more successful? Easy to guess!! More we are in a joyous and happy state, more resourceful we are. More we stay in a negative or depression state, less power we have. In conclusion we can say that the state we are in determine the performance of our daily actions.


“Show me the actions of a man and I’ll tell You his destiny”. Every action (or inaction) is a step towards one direction. Our actions and performances determine our Life direction and ultimately Our Destiny. This is why our life a reflection of our daily actions. Having in mind what is the direction we want our Life to take, we can plan our actions accordingly.

Wow!! All this is uber fascinating!! But How can I change my state?

Ahahah!!! I’m glad You enjoyed it!! And You are really curious!! So don’t miss out my next post “How to trigger a “rock n’ roll star” state”.

Your Turn

  • Now close Your eyes, and take 3 deep breath… That’s good. Think about something negative, experience it, hear it, feel it. What do You notice? What changes happens in Your body?What changes happens in Your body? Your breath? Your posture? Your voice? Your inner voice?
  • Now shake Yourself a bit. Jump or walk around.
  • Close again Your eyes and think about something SEXY or JUCY that You Love. Think About something that makes You really HAPPY! What do You notice?

Did You Like the exercise?

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

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May Your state be always Happy!!

Simone Vincenzi                 ~Your Power to Shine~

6 Steps to Change Perspective

“There are no facts, only interpretations.” 
― Friedrich Nietzsche.

What can You see in the image?

Look carefully…

Yes! Well Done!!

 This image is called the “Rubin’s cup” and it shows a big truth about the so called reality. In the image You can see either 2 faces or a cup, but You cannot see both at the same time.

…..What does it mean?….

It means that, our experiences, acquire different meanings depending from the perspective we are looking it from. Life is all about perspective. We can choose to see the 2 faces, or the cup; (a more common one) we can choose to see the glass half empty or half full.

…..So You are telling me that I can choose which meaning to give to each of my experiences?…

BINGOOOO!!!! This is it! Think about a rainy day. If You were planning a picnic with friends in a beautiful park, how do You feel about the rain? And how do You feel instead, about the rain, if You planned to spend a day relaxing at home, reading a book or watching a film? And how do You feel about the rain if You were a farmer and has been a very drought week?

….WOW!!! So… It is HOW I FEEL about something that gives the meaning to it!!!

BOOOM!!!! Yes again!! And this is a process You do it unconsciously to any given situation in Your Life. But the good news is that, having the awareness of how these stuffs work, You can consciously choose the meaning You are giving to Your reality, changing the emotional state You are in.

It sounds great!!…. But How can I do It?

The process is very simple and fun, and once You get used to it it will become automatic! I’ll guide You trough the 6 steps to change perspective!

Your Turn!!

  1. Step 1: EXPERIENCE: Think about a moment, a situation, or a challenge that You are currently facing. See it, hear it, feel it. How is it strong in a scale from 1 to 10?
  2. Step 2: AWARENESS: Then ask Yourself: What meaning AM I giving to this situation? How Is the meaning I’m giving to this situation serving me? What am I focusing on?
  3. Step 3: PERSPECTIVE: If I could change the meaning of this situation, which one could I choose? Which other meaning, that will serve me better, CAN I give to this situation? What else? What else? (be creative and see how many different meaning You can give to that situation)
  4.  Step 4: CHOICE: Now choose the meaning that serve You better and start creating the new story of the event based on it.
  5. Step 5: LESSON: Everything in Life happens for a reason. And the reason is that in any given event there is a lesson to learn for our physical, mental or spiritual development. Until we learn the lesson, other similar events will keep on recurring in our life, in order to help us fulfilling our purpose. This is the nature of KARMA. The last question is the reflection on the lesson presented in the event. Instead of asking “Why this always happen to me?” use smarter questions like: What was in it for me? What is the lesson I got to learn here? Knowing what I know now, what can I do next time? and now, be still, listen to your inner voice and pick the first world, image or sensation that comes up to You. Don’t judge it, because this Your lesson, given from Your Greatest Master.
  6. Step 6: ASSESSMENT: Now assess Yourself about the situation asking: In a scale from 1 to 10, how strong is my feeling towards that situation?  And measure Your progress from the first answer.

I’d love to hear from You and what do You think about the article.

Please Like this post if you found value here and share your awesome thoughts in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to subscribe to my weekly newsletter!!!

May Your perspective be always FUN!!!

Simone Vincenzi                              ~Your Power to Shine~ 

Your Power to Shine Newsletter

Is Now ready my Empowering newsletter Your Power to Shine!!

JUICY tips for living a more Fulfilling, Meaningful and Happy Life.

Inspirational quotes, motivational videos, exciting articles, weekly updates from my Blog and more from the expanding world of Personal and Spiritual Development!

Because You Have the Power to Shine!


Click on the Link below if You want to Shine!

Thanks for Your meaningful contribution!!

May Your Life e Always Happy.

When was the last time you did something new?

Hello beautiful people!!

Today has been a great day, full of wonder, magic and connection. A day in which the vibration of love, gratitude and happiness were passing through my body in constant flow.

Today I took the first steps with mailchimp and grouping all my contacts, for the SEXY and JUICY newsletter that will be available to you in a couple of days! Also, a refreshing and grounding kundalini session, and a power nap around 13.00 completely restored my energies allowing me to cycle more than 15 miles! I’m also really proud by my first successful English class and the meeting with Steve and Wendy, members of the Uber Team Wandsworth  that from Monday will facilitate the transition and self discovery of hundreds of Inspiring Young People at the NCS (National Citizen service).

Thinking about what happened today, what I’m really grateful for is the pinky sky of London under which my bike ride on Gratitude(the name of my bike) turned to be the best ever!

Also I recognise the value of the meaningful chat with Steve and Wendy.

Around the end of the conversation, Steve, inspired from Albert Einstein, asked Us:

“When Was the Last time You did something New?”

I believe is challenging question to answer, because it has a double blade. Or One’s Life is so repetitive that one does the same things day after day (maybe complaining because of the monotony of it ). Or, on the other end, One’s Life is so rich and growing that is difficult to choose which one to pick.

Where are You on this scale?

What can You do today to make Your Life More JUICY and SEXY?

I prefer the SEXY side of it, so it is difficult to count all the new things I have learned or done in the last 5h…

But there is one thing I have learned, that I’d like to share with You.

One skill that is really making some moment of my life really funny and special.

What is it?

I’ve learned how to Bike Stand at the red traffic lights!!!!!!!! SEXY!!!!

Now, I embrace every red light with joy and fun (sometimes hoping for it). Every red light is now a new game, a new challenge!

My goal is to stand at 10 consecutive red light, always standing on my bike!!

I’ll make it!!!

Thank You for being with me also tonight and I wish joyful dreams!!

When it all began (part 1)


Today I’m inspired to talk to you about me, and in particular about the exciting journey that led me to work as a coach! I cannot say it has been all rose, flowers and joy… I had to pass through very challenging growing experiences, which now I’m grateful for. Experiences that led me to where now I am and who I am….

It all started 2 years ago, around September 2010, just after my 22nd birthday. At the moment I was living in Sheperd’s bush and working at Assaggi, a famous Italian restaurant in Notting Hill. I couldn’t complain about my income and my lifestyle too. I was travelling once a month visiting different European capitals, I had a very active sexual life, going to the gym everyday and my body was in perfect shape ( or I thought so). I was fairly happy, but after one year of the same routine I started getting bored, desiring something more from my life, something to look for, something that could stretch me. So I took the decision that I wanted more from the life I was living. I wanted to grow. Smoking pots and partying at night, wasn’t the life I was planning to live in the future, even though I was enjoying  it very much!

And as usual, when the student is ready, the right master appears. And funny enough, the right master was a website… Yes!! A Website!! It is the main Italian personal development website full of free resources and online programmes. It took me a while to really grasp what was all about, but I had the feeling that everything that was written there was really important for my life if I wanted to bring it to a new level. Then I started, daily to spend my time diving into the free article and programmes. And it was there that I met 2 words, new to my vocabulary, that shaped my life, paving the street to where I am now. These 2 words were: Life Coach, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).

And the more I was reading, the more my passion was growing. One day, while I was doing an excursion at the Waterstone Library of Notting Hill Gate, my sight was captured by a book entitled “The NLP Coach” written by Ian McDermot and Wendy Jago (Which I highly recommend as self-development book). As soon as the book touched my hands, I knew that I had to buy it, that there was something in there for me .

I was reading the book and absorbing the content any time I could. In particular during the long journeys in the tube. And one day…. One day that started like any other day, while reading in the carriage of the tube that was carrying me to Notting Hill, a gorgeous woman with his charming husband, broke my focus, asking me what I was reading. Princess D and Pradeep Mishra, that turned out playing an important role in my life 1 year later. They were both working as coaches and trainers on their company Alchemy Training. We started immediately connecting on a deeper level. Like we have been knowing each other for years. And was in that moment that she mentioned the name of an academy…. Called the Coaching Academy, that was hosting free 2 days events to explain the coaching principles…..

As soon as I got home I knew that the right next steps for me were to turn on the laptop, go to the website of the coaching academy and book myself for the free event.

And it was in that moment, that something magical happened…

Love and Light to You

The 1st day of a rising entrepreneur!

Hello dear followers!

It is fantastic to connect with you again!

Today is a great day, a day when a new rising entrepreneurial star is born!

Today Is my first day of self employment! It is the first step of the decision made a couple of weeks ago, where I committed myself that from that moment on, I’ll be my own boss, because I don’t need to have somebody to work for…. I can create what I want!!

Why I do it? I want to step into the possibilities of financial independence! I want to leave the life I’m dreaming, and invest my earning for my personal and for the human development. Once financially independent I can effortlessly contribute more to the society I want to co-create. A world where each individual has the power, the belief and the confidence to shine his own light, respecting the environment and the beauty of every Life.

How am I going to do it? I use the tools, the knowledge and the wisdom I have, to empower the light of each children, youths, adults. Like an alchemist, I facilitate the transformation and the growth of what is already good to something outstanding!

I’m so excited as I’m writing that a smile is now painted on my face!

I’d like now to share with you what I’ve learned through the day, what I’ve realised, what worked and what didn’t.

The first realisation was that I need to create a business plan, decide how many hours of my time and energy I’m going to invest weekly, which tools I’ll use, which media can help me in my mission and the strategies I’m going to adopt to make my business grow. Also after the seminar of tonight around marketing I realised that this a world I need to explore further and master.

The experience of working from home has been very meaningful. I felt immediately a sense of freedom and power that drove me through the day. And, on the other and, I felt also the burden of the increasing responsibility , that lead me to a feeling of overwhelm for all the necessary practicalities that will make my creation grow successfully. Also, looking at my bank account, the gremlin of “”OH MY GOD HOW AM I GOING TO PAY THE NEXT RENT” kicked in, which I calmed down with 10 min of EFT, creating in me a sense of power and abundance that replaced the negative feelings and the negative chatterbox.

Also I had to deal with a lack of time management, created from the frequent interruption created by checking Facebook, email, texts, phone calls and the frequent day dreaming.

But at the end of the day I managed to complete 7 of the 10 tasks that were important for me to achieve, with the aim to reach the target of 8 tomorrow.

Also the Kundalini Yoga session helped me to balance the drowsiness I’m experiencing in these days, due to the change of my sleeping pattern. One of my goal is to re-train myself to sleep 4,5h per night. Life is so juicy and there are so many experiences I want to enjoy, that I want more awaken time! And I’m aware that the tiredness I’m experiencing is part of the process, therefore I keep on going!!!!

At the end of this awaken time I can say that I feel tired, but happier and with the joy of my vision hold into my mind… I’M GONNA MAKE IT!! NO MATTER WHAT!!

I wish you all a good resting time and enlightening awakening!!

7 steps for Self Management

Ciao a tutti!!

I wish I’m finding you Well, Happy, Healthy and Abundant!!

(The following post has a lot of information and I decided to write in bold the key information )

Tonight’s post is about Self Management, a topic very broad that includes meaningful subgroups.

I’ll share with you what does it mean for me,  what I discovered about myself this afternoon, and a tool I used this afternoon to organise messy paperwork of 4 months of training, writing and reading.

Self Management: the art of focusing body and mind towards a specific task, controlling the useless information and achieving the aim in a pre-established time frame. i.e. The Art of Self Control.

The term Self Management is a big jigsaw, formed by 3 main pieces:

  1. Time Management: the ability to achieve in a determined time frame
  2. Mind Management: the ability to make friendship with the chatterbox
  3. Body Management: the ability to integrate sabotaging feelings

All the 3 main pieces are fundamental to complete the jigsaw of Self Management.

I’ll go in more details and I’ll share with you, in the next posts, the tools that has been more effective for me.

This afternoon, after a shining Kundalini Yoga class, and looking at the pile of sheets all over my room, I decide that was time to leave the visionary side of me for a while, stepping into the managerial one. With the aim of organising all the paper work and create an organised system that could support me in the future.

As soon as I sit down, surrounded by what seemed at the beginning a “Mission Impossible”, strong feelings of discomfort started arising in my chest, the same feelings and thoughts that in the past prevented me to manage my paperwork effectively. Maybe You have heard inside yourself that voice too: “I’ll do it tomorrow, for the moment I just want to relax…” “I can wait just 10 min more…” And then those 10 min, turned into tomorrow, days, weeks and months. Me and that voice are working really well together!!

This time was different, I decided take I was going to do it, no matter what.

  1. The first thing to do was to clear or at least lower the volume of the emotions and the beliefs that were leading me to a different direction.
  2. I worked on the feelings using EFT* for 30 min, and through muscle testing* I identified that I had, and probably still have the strong sabotaging belief that “I am a very disorganised person”.  Looking at my surroundings I wasn’t a surprise at all!!
  3. As soon as the feeling lowered the intensity, I installed the belief that I am an highly organised person, approaching the afternoon to come with a sense of joy, passion and ease, like it was the funniest task ever!
  4. I asked myself: “Which is the most effective and creative way in which I can store and organise all the paperwork?” 
  5. The answer that came to me was to divide all the sheets by category, without analysing them. Just separating them topic to topic.
  6. After it has been the time to identify which had to be reviewed.
  7. And finally store them in the appropriate folder.

So I sat on the floor, surround by the headers written in little sheets. I started placing every paper under the appropriate category, looking at which had to be reviewed and store them in their folder!

In 3 hours, all that seemed at the beginning a “Mission Impossible”, has been accomplished, and I’m so proud to my creative side for the tools that enabled me, with fun, to achieve my goal of the day!

I call this the 7  Self Management step model.

  1. Acknowledge the feeling.
  2. Recognise the correspondent limiting beliefs/ fears.
  3. Lower the Volume.
  4. Think specifically about what you want and ask the right question.
  5. Take inspiration. 
  6.  Use the right tool.  
  7. Celebrate!

I’ll post also the 7 step Overwhelm free tool (organise arrear paperwork).

I hope this will be useful for you has it has been for me!

Much Love to You all!!

May your life be always happy!!

Ripple effect

Today I’ll leave a video talk about my feelings in this moment.

I remember the first time I watched it… I was in Maranello, dealing with the coaching material for my diploma.

In a moment of pause I decided to open my email, where I found this gift from my dear friend Andreia Silva. That made my day, leaving me with tears of joy in my eyes and happy feelings in my chest for the rest of the day.

Everytime I watch it I still feeling strong, delicate emotions running through my eyes in the form of tears.

I want to share with you this little gift that had so much meaning for me.

Relating to the video, I’d love to quote the words that Phil, a dear friend of mine, shared with me, with tears of truth in his eyes:

“My purpose in life is to enhance the life of the people I Love. I don’t know the effect that my actions of Love can create, but Love is like stone throne into a calm pond, we don’t know the how far the ripple effect can spread.” 

What Can you do today to enhance the life people around you that you Love?

If you have to take one action to enhance the life of the people around you that you Love, what would it be?

Mine for today is to call a friend and tell him how much I miss him and how much he means for me. Tell him I care about him and I love him.

May You always be in the ripple!!